fnaf Goldie (AGA) is being treated like a baby Part 5

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it's me again with another baby Goldie let's get to it.

it was 6 o'clock the animatronics were waiting for the pizzeria to open and the children to come in but today seem a bit off Mike came in with a look the animatronics got out of their positions and when to him looking worried.

Freddy: Mike what's wrong?

Chica: yeah Mike what's wrong you usually don't make that face every often.

Mike: I'm fine but I need to talk to Foxy for a bit.

Freddy: okay Mike. Foxy get your butt in here Mike wants to speak with you now!

the fox came into the room and stand there out of breathe.

Foxy: aye need me to captain Mike?

Mike: yes Foxy let's go into the office to talk to you.

before the fox could say anything a tiny cry was heard from the backroom.

Freddy: it's okay Mike I got this you guys go on ahead I go see what's going on with Goldie.

Chica: no I'll go check on him.

Freddy: Well as your leader I get to check on him first cause he IS my little brother after all.

the 2 animatronics were starting to argue that they didn't notice Bonnie left to check on the crying cub the bunny went into the back room and saw that Goldie was on the floor he rushes to his aid and pick him up and saw that the crib's gate wasn't up so it meant that Goldie was trying to escape the bunny let out a sign and cradle the crying cub once he was calm the cub lay his head back down.

Bonnie: alright Goldie what happens?

the cub didn't say anything and stayed silent and he saw Bonnie mad he was never mad that easily the bunny sigh and when into the room where the 2 animatronics were still arguing that they didn't notice Bonnie came in the bunny was sick and tired of them arguing at he has had enough.


the bear and chicken were surprised that Bonnie yelled at them he never yells before they could say anything they heard the crying again Bonnie had forgotten that he had Goldie in his arms.

Goldie: two woud it's two would.

Bonnie: I'm sorry Goldie I forgot I had you with me can you please forgive me?

Goldie didn't say anything and look away from the bunny and wanted down.

Bonnie: oh you want to be put down?

Goldie: ywes pwease.

Bonnie put Goldie down once he was down he tried to get up on his own 2 feet but failed he came down with a thump good thing he had on a diaper or it would have been really painful for him but no matter diaper or not his started to cry again.

Goldie's mind: what happens to my legs why can't I walk why am I crying for it wasn't that painful stop crying dangit!?!

Freddy and Chica: aww Goldie- oww hey I'll get him no I will get him!

they started to argue again the cub look at the arguing animatronics and tried again but failed the second time he wanted to try again but before he could he was pick up off the ground the cub turns his head and saw that it was Bonnie he was smiling at him that he didn't notice he was being carried to the kitchen the cub just look at the smiling bunny and before he could say anything he was put in the high chair and the table was set down once more Goldie wasn't pleased and gave a glare.

Bonnie: don't give me that look mister you need to eat.

the cub pouted and folded his paws that he wasn't going to eat that weird mush again no matter what the bunny let out a sigh and went to the fridge and got out a bottle of milk the cub saw it and stop pouting and look at the bunny with a different look the bunny put the bottle on a pan with water in it and put it on the stove and waited for it to warm up once it was warm up the bunny went to Goldie and gave it to him the cub didn't need to be told and drank the bottle the bunny chuckled a bit.

Bonnie: Freddy and Chica said it was difficult to feed you those 2 can be so silly.

the cub nods his head with an agreement and kept drinking the bottle once he was done he looked at Bonnie to be taken out of the high chair once he was out of it Bonnie made a sniffing noise.

Bonnie: pew what's that smell and where is it coming from!?!

the bunny sniffs around and he found where the smell was coming from Goldie's diaper the bunny look at the cub with embarrassment on his face the bunny let out a snicker.

Bonnie: aww did baby Goldie did a dump in his diaper!?!

Goldie: stwop tweating me like a baby Bwonnie I'm nwot a baby!!

the bunny just smiled and went to Goldie's room to change Goldie's diaper the cub was not happy and tried to wiggle his way out and succeed and tried again to walk but failed.

Goldie's mind: dangit I guess I have to crawl for now.

the cub started to crawl the bunny look at him with a smile and pick him up again and put him on the changing table and took his clothes off and started to change his diaper the cub didn't move the whole time but was more embarrassed that he covered his face with his paws and started to cry.

Bonnie: aww Goldie doesn't cry it's okay babies do this all the time no need to cry.

Goldie: A-am I gowing two stawy this wawy fowevew?

Bonnie: no Goldie you are not going to stay this way forever that is until someone donates a bladder.

Goldie: whawt's wwong with my bwaddew?

Bonnie: well it is kind of damaged by the pills you took and speaking of which. What were you thinking!?!

the cub didn't say anything and stayed silent the bunny let out a sigh once Bonnie was done changing Goldie he put him back in his pj's pick him up and went to the rocking chair and sat down and started to rock while humming a tune that Freddy did the cub started to get sleepy but tried to stay awake the bunny wasn't pleased going to get the pacifier and place it in the sleepy cub's mouth he started to chew and closed is eyes and went to sleep.

Bonnie's mind: he's so cute when he is asleep I wish he could stay this way forever  I hope he will get a baby or toddler's bladder.

meanwhile, with Mike and Foxy they have had a talk let's hear what they are saying.

Mike: Foxy, me and Henry talk about your punishment and we decided that you will be taking care of Goldie for your punishment.

Foxy: what aye want me to take care of that bilge rat aye can't be serious Captain Mike!?!

Mike: I'm very serious Foxy.

Foxy: b-but that's not fair!!

Mike: you should have thought of that before you put the medicine in Goldie's drink and you will be going to get a check-up today.

Foxy: I don't need one Captain Mike.

Mike: Foxy you haven't had a check-up in 2 months you need one.

the fox shook his head and ran out of the office Mike sigh and ran after him but Foxy was too fast.

Mike's mind: dang Foxy's too fast he needs to go to the doctors I know lying is bad but he does need to be punished and shrink him to a toddler's size will have to do it since the office ran out of baby's size shots I know Foxy hates shots but this is the only way for him to learn.

will Mike succeed to get Foxy to the doctors or will he not?

stay toon for more fnaf Goldie (AGA) is being treated like a baby.  

write in the comments down below and tell me how it is.

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