The Scribe Society Guidelines

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1. Plagiarism and stealing of ideas will not be tolerated.
We know that writing can feel intimidating or overwhelming at times, but we are here to help all of you overcome these hurdles. We pride ourselves on the hard work we have put into creating this group and maintaining it, and we want you all to be proud of the work you've done creating all of these fabulous stories! We have zero tolerance for these actions. This is your only warning. Please report any instances of plagiarism to the Scribe Society Leads and Director so action can be taken.

2. Hate speech and discrimination is not allowed on any of our platforms.
The Scribe Society is an open space that allows anyone who wants to participate join our group. No judgement shall be passed on anyone based on the color of their skin, religion, sexual orientation, gender, outward appearance, or any other way that a person can be wrongly perceived. We want everyone to get along and have the opportunity to create new friendships. Anyone caught disturbing this peace will be warned once. Any repeat offenders will be removed and banned from this group. Please report any instances of hate speech and discrimination to the Scribe Society Leads and Director so action can be taken.

3. Be open-minded and have some fun!
This is a learning space, and the best way to learn is by having fun. We will be creating discussion and games for all of our members to participate in, but they're only entertaining if everyone participates. The more the merrier, or so the saying goes. We understand that life is constantly pulling us away from our writing hobbies, and there is no activity quota members must meet to maintain their membership. But when you have time, please be sure to respond and interact with your fellow Scribe Society members and staff. Especially the staff. We get lonely when no one's around!

More guidelines will be added as the need arises, so be sure to review this chapter periodically.

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