No Going Back - Part One

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This is it. Today's the day. 

For Prompto, today was day for a lot of things. Today was the day that he and his best friend Noctis had a math test - which he certainly failed - and today was also the day that those super fluffy biscuits were served for breakfast, the ones that the prince didn't like. In that case, he always gave them to him.

"Ugh." He and Noctis were walking their usual route, toward the fancy looking car that the prince always took home. "I just forgot I have training with Gladio today." The two of them stopped walking, and exchanged a glance.

"You mean, like.. with your shield? Does that mean we're not playing King's Knight today?" The blonde lowered his school bag from where it was slung over his shoulder and rubbed the back of his head. "If you've gotta go, I don't wanna keep you, ya know?"

As the prince's best friend, it was a very kind gesture. Prompto was always just a little timid, and extremely considerate of him, especially if it was regarding Noctis' royal duties. The difference here was, getting his ass handed to him for two hours wasn't his idea of a fun evening.

"Come on." Noctis spun on his heel, walking in the opposite direction they'd been going.

"Uh- dude? doesn't glasses guy always park-"

"It's fine."

So, a detour was in order. Evading Ignis was one of the prince's many skills, and it was nothing to scoff at. When Noctis didn't wanna be found, he was impossible to find.

Ignis always chose to pick him up at the front of the school, or the back under certain circumstances. However, on days like this, Noctis chose to sneak through the trees that were nearby. It wasn't the cleanest route, but it was an efficient means of escape.

Being the prince didn't leave much room for free time. The point of going to a normal public school like everyone else was so that he could feel like he wasn't just the prince of Lucis. He wanted friends, and he wanted to be able to be live his life the way he wanted to, before his royal duties took over. He was lucky enough to have Prompto. He was the only one who hadn't been afraid to approach him. Unlike the other students, Prompto didn't seem to care that he was royalty. They both needed a friend, and found on in each other.


"Something the matter Noct?"

Parked outside of the local elementary school was Ignis, waiting patiently for the prince. Noctis was never late to the car. He was always there, waiting to be picked up at the end of the day. The difference today, was that he hesitated. He took an extra minute or two.

"...No, it's nothin."

It wasn't that he had a stalker or anything. Well, he did, but not a very skilled one. It was a blonde boy, one he recognized from his class. This boy never spoke to anyone, and was always carrying around a little red camera. Noctis never spoke to him either, but Noctis hardly spoke to anyone. The other kids didn't care so much about him as they did his servants of privileges as the prince. That's why this kid stood out.

One thing he noticed was how bad the poor guy was at hiding. He always hid in plain sight, and Noctis had to pretend he didn't notice. After all, he really didn't think anyone as shy as that would be plotting anything bad.

It continued on for quite some time. It was only after about a week that the boy chose to approach him. 

Noctis was standing outside, by himself as he usually tended to be. Recess wasn't particularly fun for him, because it was then that all the other kids would flock to him, asking questions that he didn't have any answers to. He spent his free time behind the school, where he could nap or just have some peace and quiet.

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