Chapter Three

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Jeremy put Tuck and Mare in their stables, and fed them. He loved horses, he always had. He remembered the day Dan had given him his first horse, a sleek black male, named Socks for the white socks on his two front legs. A beautiful horse. He had been so excited about his new horse, not only was it his own to keep, it meant he truly was part of the family. A family, that was all he ever wanted, and God had given him that. Dan and Jo, and the boys were like brothers to him. And the girls, well they were his little sisters as far as Jeremy was concerned. He was blessed and he knew it. He had just finished with the horses when he heard horses galloping into the barn yard.
"Has she arrived yet? Is she pretty? Tell me she's not ugly." Adam jumped from his grey horse, his hat flying off his blonde head. Adam, ever the romantic. Jeremy laughed, " I'm not saying anythin, besides isn't it against your conscience to date your cousins?"
Cory came up behind Adam and ruffled his hair.
"Yeah, didn't you say that about cousin Marilyn?"
Adam turned red. "Well I had to tell her something, she was all over me." He gave a visible shudder.
Jeremy and Cory laughed. Just then Jo McKinley arrived in the rig. She glanced at them and waved. "Jeremy did you pick up Belle?" Jeremy nodded, "Sure did, she's freshening up in her room." Jo smiled. "Good, thank you." She stepped down the rig, "Boy's, can you put Gem in the barn, and feed her, please." Jeremy and Cory disappeared in the shadows of the barn, leaving Adam to take care of the old grump of a horse, on his own. Adam turned around, "Aww man, that's not fair, I did it last time!" He turned back to Jo, "Ma?"
Jo gathered her bag and shawl. "Extra dessert for you, Adam, if you hurry." Adam grinned victoriously, and almost ran to put old Gem in her pen. "Thank you." She smiled as she headed to the house. She opened the door, "Mmm, something smells wonderful!" Angela stood by the stove, she turned with a smile, "Ma, your back, that took a long time, is everyone alright?" Jo slid into an empty chair suddenly realizing how tired she was. "Yes, Sally is well and so is the baby." She smiled, "a little boy."
"Aww, Henry Jr.?" Angela asked, eyes sparkling with excitement for her friend and her firstborn.
"Actually, John Henry."
"Ohhhh, I love it."
Dan came in and smelled the air, and licked his lips.
"Mmm, fried chicken and mashed potatoes?"
They laughed. Dan loved fried chicken, he couldn't get enough of it. Jo stood to go and put a kiss on Dan's rough cheek. Angela turned back to her cooking. "Ma, can you ask Emily to set the table while I finish the potatoes? Oh and Belle is upstairs." Jo could hear the excitement of Belle's visit in her daughter's voice. She called her youngest daughter to set the table then hurried to freshen up. Dan said he had one more errand to run but that he'd be back for supper.
Belle met Jo halfway down the hall, Jo stopped short and welcomed her with a warm hug, then held her at arms length and looked her over,
"You are so beautiful, Belle." She smiled "We're happy to have you visit us. Is your room comfortable?" Belle immediately liked her aunt.
"Aunt Josephine-"
" Just Jo or Aunt Jo if you prefer."
"Yes ma'am. And yes the room is very comfortable and I have everything I need. Thank you, Aunt Jo."
Jo nodded and smiled, trying to hide tears.
"How's your mother? I miss her so much, is she well?"
Belle nodded, feeling her own tears flooding her eyes. She knew what it was like to not see her sister for a few days, she could only imagine how Aunt Jo felt.
"Mother is well, she sent some things along for you, but she told me to give her big sister Josephine, a hug for her."
Jo smiled, and Belle gave her another hug for her mother. Then Jo straightened,
"Well I shouldn't get you all teary now, go on down, I believe the boys have just come in and Angela and Emily are in dining room. I'll be down in a minute. Just make yourself at home." Belle nodded, and proceeded to the dining room. Angela was there putting some finishing touches on the table. She looked up and smiled, then looked at her dress, "What a beautiful dress! It suits you so well, with your dark hair and eyes." she smiled.
"Well, thank you Angela. That's very kind of you." Belle smiled. Just then the ruckus she'd heard from upstairs came into the dining room. Belle took in a deep breath, meeting new people wasn't exactly something she loved to do, it made her uncomfortable. Angela smiled, "They might be loud and tough, but you're gonna get along with em just fine."
Belle nodded. She saw Jeremy, who gave her a smile, and made her feel a little less uncomfortable. He walked up to her, and as if he could tell she felt a little out of place, he said, "Don't worry, by the end of tonight you're gonna feel right at home."
" Even if I'm not a very social person?" She asked. Before he could answer one of her cousins came up to her. Jeremy grinned, "We're about to see."
"I'm Cory," he shook her hand, "The best looking of the McKinley brothers, in case you were wondering." He grinned.
Cory was tall and had blonde hair which hung a bit long. He had blue eyes, and a mischievous grin. He was definitely the charmer of the family. Belle laughed quietly, "Well, I didn't ask, but I'll be sure to keep that in mind."
He let out a loud laugh.
"Howdy, I'm Adam." Belle looked up at another tall cousin with blonde hair, he looked very much like Cory, except his hair was neatly cut, and he looked younger than Cory. He seemed to be the neat and romantic one, he kissed her hand.
She smiled. "Belle. It's nice to finally meet you all."
Just then Jo came in with a tall, broad man, with dark hair and eyes. He had a friendly smile as he greeted Belle with a firm handshake. "Welcome to our home Belle. I'm your uncle Dan, you remember me?"
"No, unfortunately, I don't."
" Well, make yourself at home, our home is your home."
" Thank you, sir."
"None of that sir and ma'am stuff, now."
Belle nodded and smiled, "Alright then."
Jo laughed, "Well let's eat, we don't want to have to eat cold food."
They all sat down at the long family table, Dan sat at one end, with Jo on his left and Emily on his right. Before they prayed, another McKinley brother came in, he introduced himself as Rhett, the eldest of the McKinley clan. He looked like his father, tan skin, tall, broad shoulders, with dark hair and dark brown eyes. He was also friendly but quieter than the other two. He sat down at the opposite end of the table, with Cory on his left and Jeremy on his right. Adam and Angela sat between Cory and Emily, while Belle was seated between Jeremy and Jo.
Belle soon felt very much at home with the McKinley's, as they ate the best fried chicken Belle had ever tasted, creamy potatoes, peas, gravy, and homemade bread. It seemed the McKinley's had more than enough funny stories to share and make each other laugh. Belle couldn't remember the last time she had laughed so hard.
Jeremy smiled as he watched Belle laugh at a funny story one of the boys had told, and knew he'd been right, she already felt at home.
After supper was cleared away and the kitchen was cleaned, the whole family went to what they called the family room, where they had coffee and cake, and talked. Suddenly Belle remembered that she had gifts for the family, that mother had sent with her. She asked Angela and Emily to help her bring them down and they opened them. There was satin, lace, ribbons and other fabrics for new dresses, there were some hair clips for the girls and bows for Emily, and even bow ties for the boys, there was chocolate, and even some books. Lastly there was a long letter from Belle's mother to Jo, which Jo put it in her dress pocket to read later. They all talked late into the night, they talked about the ranch, and their live stock, and their land. Then they talked about Belle's home and her family, and what all her siblings were up to. They talked about many things, and Belle enjoyed herself. When Belle finally went to bed she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow, with a prayer of thankfulness on the tip of her tongue.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2020 ⏰

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