01. LUCY

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Blood rushed to my head and made my entire face glow bright red as the rest of my body began to feel numb from the lack of circulation within my veins. My head felt heavy and my mind was spinning with racing thoughts appearing and disappearing into the depths of my brain. I couldn't hold onto a single concept or idea before it slipped out of my mind.

Sharp pains took stabs at my skull, making it begin to throb against my crimson skin. When my eyes slowly fluttered open, my vision blurred and focused in random patterns. Shades of purple and blue swirled in my eyesight from the projector that shined onto the ceiling above. I saw white specks that twinkled in the starry galaxy on the ceiling. As I tilted my head to the side, the vision faded together like paint droplets mixed with clear water.

My breathing was quick and uneven. I often found myself inhaling a large quantity of air just to try and fill my lungs, but no matter how much I tried it still wasn't enough to lift the weight pressing against my chest. I felt as those I was underwater. My body moved slowly and my breath was held. As I can out of oxygen, I tried breathing in but the water around me filled my lungs. If I didn't swim to the surface of the ocean soon, I would continue to sink further into its darkness and drown at the sandy floor.

I had lost almost all feeling in my legs now as they were laid upon the silky blankets that covered the bed. My dark hair halted a few inches above the wooden floor as I hung my head upside down off of the side of the bed.

"Check," I whispered. My own voice sounded unfamiliar to me. It was like I was hearing myself in a million different ways, but none of the tones were my own.

A hand was placed on my wrist and I felt two fingers press down softly between my bone and tendon. The skin on my own felt cold, making me gasp at the touch.

I had swam towards the sunlight that was shining through the ocean. When my head reached the surface, I remained floating on top of the salty water. Rays of bright light hit me from all different angles. My tanned skin was glowing and sparkling with radiance that the sun brought to me.

"Your BMP is way over one hundred," Reina spoke in slow motion. I couldn't tell if she was talking slowly or if I was just hearing her slowly. Her voice sounded so far away, almost like we were miles apart. I could just barely make out her words.

As I floated on the ocean, small ripples of water circled around me. Although I had just been submerged into the sea, my body was untouched by the water. My clothes and hair were still dry.

"Time," I asked quietly. My voice sounded so raspy. I felt like I had been projected into an astral state where I was hearing an echoed version of myself from a faraway distance.

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