Yellow and Black

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Pink was trembling as if she were crying. "P-Purple is innocent and I-I... How could you even say that? Someone just died!!" Her voice is full of sorrow. She felt more hurt than insulted that she and her newfound friend were branded as murderers.

"I don't suspect Purple either." White sighed. "Cyan, why are acting this way? It actually is rather suspicious... Pointing fingers so desperately."

"I'm not desperate at all!" Cyan argued. "I'm only saying these things because I know they're true."

Her memory went back to times that she spent reading books on psychology and taking notes. She often times didn't understand what she was reading and simply made her own ideas for how she thought the mind works.

She pointed a finger at White. "It's strange that you think I'm strange too! You're likely just shifting the blame because you know I'm right but don't want to accept it! Either that or you're the impostor!"

Red shook his head. "That's a bit of a stretch, I think."

"It also annoys the crap out of me that you'd think it was Pink. You must be really stupid and desperate." Lime snarled. "I'll have to agree with White on this one."

"Enough!" Orange snapped. "We need evidence like Brown said! Especially who was last seen near Electrical." Her head turned towards Brown as a prompt to her own suspicion.

Brown looked in Green's direction. Her expression looked sad yet distant which wasn't all that surprising with what she had seen. He turned his gaze back to Orange. "I don't have anything to show. I went to the area to help Green and didn't see any hints as to who committed the murder. The weapon wasn't left behind so there's no way of knowing from that. I didn't notice any other possible clues at the scene either "

Yellow was rubbing her hands against each other. "I hate to say this, but is it possible that it could be Orange? She seems to be set on finding out who did this but she's more agressive than the rest of us. I don't have any real proof, but she's suspicious to me..."

"It's not me!" Orange yelled. She looked towards Black as she folded her arms. "Black, you're awfully quiet. I don't want to hear an excuse that you're too shy to speak. Where were you last!?"

"Um.. I-" Black tried to talk, but all his words were jumbled.

"She's right, you know." Red started. "Black is really strange. It's always the quiet ones, isn't it?"

"He-!" Yellow tried to interrupt, but was cut off by Red's voice again.

"Yellow should stop standing up for him as well." He gained a sympathetic expression. "I'm sorry. We shouldn't let personal feelings get in the way though. You don't have any real way to prove his innocence, and it seems that he can't either."

Black put his head down and balled his fists. (Speak. Say something. That it's not you!)

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't. He couldn't be brave.

(I'm such a coward. Would they even listen to me anyway?)

"Let's do our votes to ejection for our safety." White nodded sorrowfully. "We can't waste anymore time as we have tasks to do for our survival."

White has voted for Black, making Black's anxiety rise.

"Black is suspicious, but I'm more sus of Brown."
Orange voted Brown. "We need at least four votes on one person to be ejected."

Lime voted for Cyan due to his own annoyance towards her.

"B-but what if they're innocent? We'd be killing someone unfairly... I just..." Pink struggled to even vote.

The Ones Among Us (Red x Pink, Purple x White, Yellow x Black)Where stories live. Discover now