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YAAAAASSSS, finally! The whole reason I made this book is here! And guess who's b-day it is, people. Go on, guess!

*waits patiently for you to guess while looking at y'all like the freak she is*

YOU GOT IT! Actually, I'm sure you didn't... Oh wait, I've written her name up there- *smacks head*

So, I wrote a kind of short scene with the both of us in it. I could have included more people but that's the far my brain can go!

The Loise and Lavy special:

Aight, so this is a fictional story but I totally imagine us doing this. Have fun reading it:

I slammed my back against the wall and huffed as I snapped the chicken’s beak shut. Loise squatted beside me and looked over the wall to see if the watchmen were still following us.

“Lavinia, do you see anyone?” she questioned as she lowered her head and looked right at me.

“No. No one’s around. Now where do we take the chicken? I can’t hold it like this forever,” I answered and held the animal tighter so that I could restrain its movement.

She looked in every direction before pulling me up and dragging me over to the fence. She was the first to cross it and I gave her the chicken before trying to cross over.

“Hey! You kids!” we heard a guard shout after us. Out of pressure, I tried hurrying up but I ended up getting caught by the fence’s wires. I turned my head to Loise and looked at her with pure horror showing in my eyes.

She furrowed her brows before throwing the chicken at the guard and helping me get away from the wires. We both ran like the devil was on our heels- well, if you look at it that way, the devil truly was at our heels.

Even though we probably were in a lot of trouble, we still laughed as we made our way down the hill with the chicken and guard behind us.

I was taking one last glance at the guard's screwed up face when I tripped on a rock. I held onto Loise, hoping to stabilise myself but we both ended up falling and rolling the rest of the way down the hill.

At the bottom, we lay flat on our backs and took a second to catch our breaths before getting back up and gasping when we saw the guard coming at top speed. I looked to my right and smiled back at Loise once I saw the lake.

She shook her head and started stepping backwards but I wasn't going to let her escape that easily, "You wanted adventure? Here it is!" With those words, I pulled her with me as I jumped into the cold lake.

Yes, that's sort of the end. But you can look at this scenario too, from when I got stuck at the fence:

She pulled me out of the hooks, making my clothes tear, and grabbed two flat boards that were lying on the fence.

"You know what to do," she stated, grinning at me. I laughed and nodded as I put the board on the ground and sat on it.

"One… Two… Three!" I shouted and we both pushed ourselves off the hill just as the guard was about to get a hold of us. Our screams and shouts of excitement cut through the peaceful air.

The rocks made our boards soar through the air once in a while and it felt like we were flying. Our fun was suddenly cut short when we realised we couldn't stop ourselves.

"Loise!" I shouted as I held onto the board tightly.

"Lavinia!" she shouted back and tried leaning back to decrease the speed. Before we could do anything, we had been thrown into the enormous lake at the bottom of the hill.

Not edited, I repeat NOT EDITED. If you find a bunch of mistakes there... Idk, go sue me or sth. Anyway, thanks for reading! BYEEEEE!!! ❤❤❤

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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