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Y/n's POV

Me and my dog Bolt were currently watching as the waves crashed onto the rocks on the side of Titans tower. It's been a couple of months since I've join the Teen Titans I've made new friends and have gotten use to not using my powers but I fear something in the future is going to happen. My teammates were currently training in a room with holographic figures. I hardly ever trained, never needed to due to with my powers I can fight any way new or old. I found the titans 6 months ago, I wasn't really an official titan even though they treated me as one. I never anticipated to getting close to anyone but they all treated me like family especially Starfire and Raven they reminded me of my mom and sister before what happened to them. No one knows my name I don't like to be remembered with what had happened to my family. The boys have tried to figured it out man they even have a bet on it but one day not soon I will tell it to them all. They all have different names for me it's funny because it has a meaning to them but they also love to mess around with Bolt.

No one knows about my pass or my powers, when they asked I wouldn't tell them. Everyone also found it easy to talk to me about their problems cause I would always put myself in their shoes . I gazed down at the waves once more and then I remembered


"Come Y/n let's go in the water" My sister and brother yelled

"I'm coming just hold on" I yelled back

When I ran to them we played when everything went black I woke up in a room with my family all unconscious and a person in the corner of the room.

Flashback Ends 

"The new teammate is here" I hear Starfire say.

"Oh, okay I'm coming" I look back one more time before I walk along with Starfire who had already gathered up the rest who were waiting for our new teammate. In the distance, I hear the sound of the batmobile where I see Nightwing jump out with the new Robin carrying his stuff and hoped out too.

Damian's POV

"I could have driven myself," I state

"After the stunt you pulled? You're lucky to be allowed within 10 feet of a steering wheel" Nightwing laughs, mention the night before when I exploded the Batwing.

"So this is my punishment? Enduring a bunch of school children?" I ask with dull eyes "This is not punishment. Hopefully you'll learn to be a part of a team" Dick pauses as he glances at me.

"And they're not children. They're teenagers plus I think you'll like Universa she's different and has her dog Bolt with her" Dick adds, correcting my false wording

"Worse but maybe the dog will help and who is Universa" I groan throwing my hands in the air. " Don't tell me Damian Wayne is afraid of a little socializing plus you'll meet her when we get there she's a quiet person most of the time but will always has a positive attitude towards others" Dick smirks, baiting me with a sly smirk in return.

"I'm not afraid of anything. Teammates are a liability" I say with a eye roll "Really? Then what am I to you?" Dick asks" An unavoidable irritation" I spit then look back looking to see The Titans Tower

When we arrive I grab my thing an hop out of the Batmobile I see five people the a girl with pink hair and green eyes her suit purple and grey, a boy with a black and blue suit without the helmet, another girl with a black bodysuit with a purple cover up with the hood on, then another boy with green skin and different color of green in his hair with a red and white suit, and lastly a girl with black wavy hair with blue eyes and her suit looks like a black galaxy with silver pieces and a necklace. I'm brought back when I hear her voice and see a dog next to Dick he leaves back to her owner.

Universa And The Titans(Damian Wayne x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now