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Y/n's POV

I woke up early, just before the sun had risen. No one was awake from what I know. I grabbed a light blue jumper and blue jeans the heading out to the beach to watch the sunrise. Last night I had nightmares of memories of me when I was tortured along with the screams of my family, which caused me to toss and turn all night I was on the brink of screaming. I walked barefoot on the sand to where both water and sand meet to feel the waves crash on my feet.

The sea always made me calm. It always has it's peaceful to me after what I had experienced in the past.Thinking about what Rachel said telling people about what I went through is not easy and I don't want pity for it I moved past it and never show emotion towards it so I'll leave it at that for now. 


I decided to head back in after I watched the sunrise. Starfire couldn't cook so I had to do all the cooking sometimes Jamie would too but I don't mind it's something I like to do. As I walked along the hallway Damian came out of his door. I began to walk past as he asked:

"Um, may I have a moment please?" He asked

"Yea Sure" I turned around and made eye contact with him

"Um, I would like to say, Thank you, for yesterday's event" he said a bit more tentatively

"Oh your welcome I would have done it for anyone" I tell him and whistled that's when Bolt came out of my room running towards me.

"Oh, and I didn't get your name" he tells me

"You can call me whatever you want"I say" The whole team calls me Uni but everyone gave me their own nickname like Jamie he calls me Mysterious, Raven likes to call me Serenity, Gar calls me mama but he calls Raven that to, and Star calls me Crystal in tameran" I explain.

"Don't you have an actual name?"He asks raising an eyebrow

"That's for me to know and for you to find out. Jamie and Gar are trying to figure it out loser has to do the other bidding for a month I think. Maybe you should join, you are the son of the detective after all aren't you?" I state.

"How did you-"

"I have my ways come Bolt "I say and start walking off." and by the way, not a bad move by the way"

"For what?" He cocks an eyebrow

"30 seconds after you met us, you put a tracker on all of us" I smile with a pride in my tone of voice.

"Heh, not bad" he folds his arms on his chest" wait, did you put a tracker on me?" he asks. I chuckle" Maybe, maybe not" I put my hands up in surrender and start to walk off with Bolt.

"Where are you going?" He asks "Kitchen, I'm cooking breakfast. Well I usually do all the cooking around here since Starfire can't cook" I say and smile.

Damian smirks "I guess you're the most proficient one here Nightwing was right. And to think Starfire is most of the time the leader" "I do lead once in a while but I like to work with the team or partner with someone" I tell him

"May I accompany you to the kitchen and perhaps you cooking?" Damian asks

"You may and sorry about Bolt yesterday she doesn't like people she loves get hurt" I tell him as we make our way to the kitchen.

"It's fine so how long have you been here?" Damian asks me "6-7 months" I tell him "I see" he says


I tie my hair back in a high ponytail and put an apron on and tie a perfect bow around my waist and get bowls out.Damian watches me from the high seats in front of the bar. "Are you vegetarian and do you have allergies that I need to know about?" 

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