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"Oh my god babe get a picture!" my mom squealed to my stepdad. I was loading  my Black Toyota Camry with boxes of clothes and other stuff id need to take with me to college. I stood by the door with a smirk as my dad squinted, trying to figure out how to snap the picture on his new Iphone. I had got each of my parents one so we could facetime while i was away. After he finally got the picture i looked over at my mom and she was tearing up. "we're gonna miss you so much baby." I hugged her and said "im gonna miss yall too mom." She didnt wanna see me leave so she after i let go she went inside.

 I settled into the drivers seat and my dad came to the window. "babygirl you ever feel overwhelmed just come home. and i love you"

I gave him a sad smile. "I love you too dad." He gave me a nod and patted the top of the car and stepped back. as i drove away i saw him still standing by the mailbox waving. I was really gonna miss him. I remember when mom 1st met him. I was 12. They got married the next year. He's the only dad ive ever known. My biologically father left when i was born. He was literally at the hospital and when my mom started going into labor he said he was "going to the bathroom so he wouldnt miss none." Then he missed 19 Years. Fuck ass dude.

The drive from Mobile to New Orleans seemed to take forever. At one point traffic was backed up bad cause of a wreck. Once i finally got to the city though everything was pretty smooth sailing. My GPS was taking me straight to the dorms. On the way there i passed a McDonalds, Wendy's, Zaxbys, and Waffle House. "Damn why its so many restaurants on this lil strip" i said out loud.

I stopped at the front office to get my keys and then went straight to the dorms. When i finally got inside it was wayy nicer than i expected. There was a front room and behind that was a small kitchen. There were 2 doors to my left and 2 to my right. I went in the doors to my left 1st. It was a bathroom and a bedroom conjoined. The same on the left. I sat my stuff in the room on the right. Its window had a better view.

I started to unpack and memories of home flushed over me. Coming to NOSU was big for me. I was so far home. I left so much behind. My mom, dad, friends, family. I unpacked a green hoodie and I started to think of my ex from back home, Pieree.  It was her jacket. I got a little sad so i finished unpacking quick asf. I looked at my watch and it was 2:30. I just laid down to take a nap cause i was really tired asf.

When i woke up it was dark outside. The clock to my left read 7:45. I hadnt eaten all day so i decided to visit the Mcdonalds i passed on the way here. I checked to see if my roommate was here (they werent). I took a shower and threw on some black biker shorts and a black tube top. I grabbed my keys then went outside without a jacket. I immediately regretted it when that breeze hit. I ran back inside and grabbed a jean jacket. 

As i drove i noticed more people were out now than earlier. When i got in Mcdonalds i got what i always get. "a medium fry, quater pounder with cheese, and strawberry milkshake please." the Boy behind the counter smiled at me as he rung me up. "That'll be 12.50" I swiped my card the sat at a booth in the back corner to wait. I was looking on ig when a big ass group of people came in. I examined them all one by one. Then one girl in the front caught my attention. She was brownskin with a bright smile. Her hair was in a low puff and her pants hung low on her waist to show off her ethika waitstband. She had on a yellow sweatshirt. I figured thats why i noticed her. Yellow was my favorite color. Then i heard the boy call my number. "1420,1420" I walked past the group to get my food. On the way back to my booth i heard somebody whisper "goddamnnn." I just sat down and started eating my fries. I was grabbing my stuff to go when she walked up to me. 

"Wassam shawty." I smiled and gave her a simple heyy. "mane ian gone cap you fine asf and ian never seen you before, where you from." i threw my trash away then turned to her. Her smile was so fire. " Well im from Alabama but i came down here to go to NOSU." She smiled again and was like "word!? thats my school." As i grabbed the door i smiled back at her. "Well ill see you around then and went to my car. I heard her saying wait but i was tired and ready to go. I hopped in my car and drove back to my dorm.

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