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  I woke up the next morning to a BANGIN headache. Dessy was groaning onside of me. "You too huh bestie?" She shook her head ya as I got out the bed. "Ima go get us some to take."

   I grabbed a hoodie and looked for my keys. They wasn't on the dresser or in the bed. I went downstairs and seen them in the kitchen. "Shit."

   I grabbed em real quick and ran towards the door as memories from last night flooded me. I was reaching for the handle when the front door opened. Blue.

   "Boy ong last night you went DUMB. I'm talm bout ass everywhere. I got home and you was on everybody snap foo." I smiled wanting the conversation to end so I can go. But no. She just kept talking.

  "Bruh u need to invite her to all the parties gd." I just knew lucky was behind us. I whipped around and sure enough there she was.

  "You up early." I gave her a small smile then held up my keys.

   "Just going to get some headache stuff." She pointed to in front of the tv. There was a bottle of Advil and Tylenol. "Oh thanks."

  "Tell dessy get up. Then can y'all come down and talk" I just nodded and jogged bck up the stairs. FUCKING BLUE.

  I shook Dess awake and pushed some pills in her hand. She was still half asleep. "Wake up bitch lucky wanna talk." She groaned hard asf.

   "Omg just push me out the window now." I laughed and popped a few of the pills. Ya I was gone need some a li stronger. I brushed my teeth while Dess was changing. When she got done getting together we went down to the kitchen.

  Lucky was cooking and she looked at us. Obviously irritated. "That shit y'all pulled last night was not cool." I just sat bck and listened but Dess popped off.

  "Bruh u acting like we did you sum. What? You mad we crashed yo li party? Fuck outta here." I knew lucky was mad but when she threw the blender at the wall? I was astonished. " I DONT WANT THOSE PEOPLE AROUND YOU. I DONT WANT YOU AROUND THEM. AND I DONT WANT YO FRIEND MIXED UP IN NUN OF THEIR SHIT EITHER. WHY CANT YOU JUST FUCKIN LISTEN DESS." She smacked Dess in the head.

"Just listen bruh pls." Then she stormed off kicking the blender on her way out. I think she forgot about the food.

   Me and Dess just started at each other for second before she ran up the steps. I wanted to give her some time to herself so I finished the food Lucky started. It was oatmeal, eggs, French toast, and chicken tenders. Idk if she wanted the bread to be french toast or not but oh well. Should've cooked it herself.

  I turned the aisle off and washed my hands. As I was leaving Lucky came bck in. "Thank you" she mumbled. I just nodded then went to check on my friend.

  When I opened the door she was standing in front of the mirror doing her hair. I went and hugged her. "You okay baby?"

   She nodded and leaned into the hug. "Yea I guess I just gotta listen" I chuckled and grabbed the curling iron from her.

  "I'll finish this for u" she nodded and then I curled the rest of her head. Bck before I came down here I did hair. Now I just be focused on school more than working.

  "Okay but the real question is do u know somebody who sell za and percs? That Advil ain't so shit but make me mad." She started laughing.

    "Damn u be popping pills? Rock head." I just bussed out laughing. "Nah fr tho I know a dude get dressed.

  I put on some patch work Jean shorts, a white baws shirt with the blue bear and my white crocs.  Dess was waiting on me in the car. She had on some grey Nike shorts and a white tee with her white forces. Her curls was pretty asf.

   We had been driving for what seemed like forever. I looked up and these streets looked familiar. Then I seen the park I went to with Stone. That's how come I knew over here. We drived past the park tho and pulled up to some apartments. The sign said R.V Brown but the V was kinda hanging

   I followed Dess to this one house. It had so many cars out front. And it was like 15 niggas just standing around. One of em walked up to us.

   "Y'all look good asf what y'all doing ova here."I pulled out my phone and got on tik tok while Dess answered.

   "We just here to see Kai. Where she at" he pointed to the garage door and Dess grabbed my hand. When we got inside it was smoky asf. It was girls and dudes sitting around passing a wood. A old lady was in the kitchen cooking. We just kept walking to the back.

   Dess pushed open the door and it was a pretty ass girl sitting down counting money. She had so many drugs around her on the bed.

  "Who tf-." She stoped mid sentence when she seen dess. "Li Ledestiny wassup." She smiled. She had two gold teeth. "And you brought me a present" she licked her lips at me. I just kinda smiled at her.

  Dess laughed hard asf. "Bitch no this my bestie she tryna cop sum." She walked over to us. She had on a red Nike sweatsuit. She grabbed my hand and pulled me to her dressed.

  "Aight princess Whatchu tryna get." I laughed a li. Her li fine ass was smoove. But she playin I'll fuck ts outta ha.

  "I'm just tryna getta half and bout 4 perkys." She looked at me then back at Dess.

   "Damn I'm coming with y'all sound like y'all finna have a good fuckin time." I watched as she weighed my weed. She upped me so I knew what wassup. She bagged everything up and told me how much.

   "$180 boo." I pulled out a stack of 20s I had just got from the bank and counted out the 180 to ha. I said thank you and we turned to leave.

  "Oh y'all thought I was playin? I'm coming with y'all fr." She said. I looked back and she had a bag puttin a gun in it and some weed. Dess told her we'll wait outside then we headed out.

   We was walking down the hall when some girl came out a room and ran into Dess.

  "Damn watch where u going runnin into my bestfriend and shit." The girl turned around finna go off but then she seen who I was.

  "Money?" I just started laughing

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