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    Of course I said ya.

She sent me a address and I put it in my gps. "Boy wtf this the other side of town" I had never been on that side of the city so I started the drive.

When I pulled up it wasn't a house like I expected but a park. When I got out the car I saw Stone sitting on a bench so u walked in the direction.

Just like last time her hair was parted down the middle and hanging down her back. She had on a Geekd Genius hoodie and black jeans. As I approached the bench she smiled and stood up. "Hey Stone." She smiled at me revealing a VVS grill.

"Waddup ma. How ya doing?" Her accent was so sexy.

"I'm good. This park so pretty." And I wasn't just saying that. It was spilt into two sides. One had a type of waterfall and the rock had names on it like a memorial. And the playground had a nude color scheme. I looked over at Stone and she looked sad.

"It's home. I grew up in that house down there." She pointed to the end of the street. There was a big beige house. "I've gained and loss so much in this park.."

She paused and I didn't say anything. It seemed as if she was reminiscing so I just followed on side her as she walked.

We were still walking when a cute little girl in a white dress walked up. "Hey Stone." Stone smiled and stopped down to her.

"Wassup marielle. What's going on?" I smiled. It was cute watching her interact with the little girl.

"My mom saw u and sent me to tell u she sends her condolences." She said while pointing to a house across the street. A small older woman stood on the porch waving.

  "Tell her I said thank you." Maria nodded and skipped away. As Stone stood up she must have seen the confusion on my face.

  "My brother got killed here about 2,3 weeks ago." I gasped lowly.

  "I'm so sorry. Do you know who did it?" After the sentence I realized it may have been insensitive. She still answered me tho.

  "One of those fuckin DB's." She said shaking her head. I was still confused cause tf was a DB.

  "DB's?" I asked softly

   "Yea it's a gang frm the other side of town. Demon Boys"

  I nodded and we walked some more. I told her about me and where I was from. We were laughing at a story from when I was small when my phone dinged.

Dessy😩🤎: ugh I can't believe you went without me. I'm at the house tho wya?

  Money Bby💸😍: I'm otw I'll tell u when I get there

  "Stone I had a great time but I gotta go rn. We gotta get together again tho." She smiled flashing them pretty ass teeth again.

  "Yea it's getting late anyways." I pulled her into a hug. After I let go I pulled out my phone.

  "Ouu take some pictures with me before u go." She started laughing. After I snapped like 12 pictures we went our separate ways.

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