The World

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The faint sound of rustling is the only sound that fills the room as myself, Caustic and Octane search a building for mods, optics and ammo for our guns. 

"Sniper optics here, 2x4!" Octane calls out

"Dibs!!"I say as I turn around and head over to where the optics laid, as I approach them Caustic picks them up and places them on his gun. I stop in my tracks and stare in disbelief at him. Octane walks by and glances at my gun noticing it still has iron sights.

"Ay, hermana, I thought you dibsed those optics?" Octane asked confused. I point to Caustic, Octane sees the optics on his gun. Octane approaches Caustic, pushes him, rips the optics off the gun and hands them over to me.

*Time skip to end of Apex game*

I sit in Mirages bar, the sound of legends laughing and enjoying themselves fill the venue. Next to me sits Crypto, his squad came second and was the one to take my team out. We talk about the game, sharing stories of how well we did, the Octane and Caustic situation was brought up, Crypto chuckled 

"I wish I could've seen that, I would PAY to see that" a smirk creeps on to his face as he imagines the scenario. "This isn't the first time Octane has gone out of his way to help you out is it?"

"I guess not" I shrugged "He's a good team mate like that"

"Yeah, to you maybe" He scoffed

"What do you mean?" 

"Remember.... three games ago? We were on a team with Octane" 

"Yeah, I remember" I confirm taking a sip of my drink.

"He was screaming at me to drop a phoenix kit for a solid four minutes, only for him to run and give it to you" Crypto sighed heavily as recalled the event.

I let out a small chuckle "Maybe I was badly injured?"

"You weren't, if you were I would've dropped it without hesitation"

I hummed in response as I thought about Cryptos words. "I don't think there's all that much to it"

"So you think" the man smirked at me

"Stoooop" I groan "You're going to make me paranoid"

"Alright, alright" He raised his hands in defeat as we both laugh and change the subject.

A few games pass and a few of them were with Octane and almost every game he would make sure I had what I asked for and was well looked after. I often found myself thinking back on Cryptos words.

Todays games seemed to be no different. Me and Octane were the last two members of our squad. Bangalore, our other teammate had already been downed. My armour was cracked and was injured, Octanes armour was barely hanging in there and was pretty beat up himself.

"This is going to be a hard fight" I sigh as me and Octane stand on a building surveying the area.

"I should've picked up more shields, meds and charges" I hear Octane mutter to himself as he bounced on the spot looking down his optics.

"I should've too. It's not on you to look after me"

"...But I want too" I turn to look at Octane as the words left his mouth, his focus never leaving his optics.

"Octane...." I paused taking a moment to think of the right thing to say "Why do yo-"

"Enemy right there!" He cut me off as he spotted Crypto, Bloodhound and Caustic off in the distance.

I drag my attention away from Octane and my questions, they could wait. "They're heading this way" I pull out my sniper and zoom in the optics "I can get a shot on Caustic, can you take down Bloodhound?"

"Si" We both take a deep breath and steady our aim "Uno... dos...tres!" our snipers cracked off hitting both our targets simultaneously. I place my sniper on my back and draw my AR. 

"I've got Crypto, I need you to cover me"

"Of course" Octane nodded "I've always got your back hermana" 

I jump off the building and make my way to the last know position of Crypto "Do you see him?"

"He's reviving Bloodhound. Now's your chance, vamos!" I pick up my pace and draw my gun, I slide around the rock where Crypto was trying to pick up him teammate.  Crypto spotted me and left Bloodhound drawing his weapon. 

"It's just me and you noona" Crypto smirked "It comes to this more often than not huh?"

"Yeah, it seems to be a pattern, but this time I will win"

"Tough words for someone who is outnumbered"

"What??" I feel the barrel of a gun shoved into my back "Tch" 

"Lovely to see you again" Caustics gruff voice came from behind me

"Shame I can't say the same for you doctor" I scoffed. I spun around and unloaded a clip into his chest, Crypto drilled into my back breaking my armour completely "Not good!"

"Hey, hermana!!" I hear Octane yell "take this!" He launched himself off of his jump pad and dropped his armour as he flew over me.

"There's more!" Crypto called out, Octane turned in air and downed Caustic once more. I grabbed his amour and pulled it on whilst he distracted Crypto.

The gun fire stopped abruptly "I'm down, no bueno" Octanes weak voice reached me, I quickly reload my AR and dash towards them as I see Crypto holding his drone above Octanes head ready to bring it crashing down on his skull. I relentlessly empty my clip into his back breaking his armour and hurting him badly, I rush forward and hit him with the hilt of my gun, toppling him to the floor.

"You're the Apex champions" The announcers voice rang throughout the arena as I knelt down next to Octane and started to patch him up.

"You dumbass, you could've died." I scold Octane as I worked on his wounds.

"Heh" He let out a small chuckle as he undid his mask and pulled it down revealing a smirk on his face "but I didn't did I?"

"That's besides the point, you shouldn't have dropped your armour for me. We would've won either way"

"I didn't want to take that chance"

"Octane... I" I sigh heavily as I look over the Spanish speed demon I called my friend, "why do you keep giving me stuff... even at the risk of your own life?"

Octane pulled himself up into a sitting position and removed his goggles. His brown eyes fixated on my own. "I want to make you smile, I want to make you happy always! I... I like you hermana!" A light blush dusted his cheeks as his eyes slightly wavered " Si me lo pides, el mundo será tuyo" He whispered lightly as he moved his face closer to mine slowly, finally closing the gap and placing his gently lips on mine in a sweet, tender kiss.

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