Complete Novel

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I never imagined that this would ever happen to someone like me. I'm just your average every day 16 year old girl. Or well that's what I liked to think. I was born into a royal family. One that came from a very far away land, a land that didn't exist on the surface world, I was a demon named Riley fathoms. I had long wavy light brown hair and emerald green eyes that shimmered like a gem in the right sunlight. I'm not very tall but I thought 5'4 was acceptable. My skin was always perfect, well tanned, and I've never been over 135 pounds in my life. You couldn't ask to be any simpler. Any more original. Then why am I lying in a pool of my own blood you ask? A tall, dark and handsome man cradling me in his arms, His crystal blue eyes weeping as they stared deeply into mine as my life begun to slip away, well the Second Great War of course. I've become nothing but a casualty of war. A war between angels and demons a war that appeared to have taken my life away. But enough about my death maybe I should tell you how this war all began. How I met the love of my life. How I ended up dying in his arms.

Well this story all started on a rather casual Monday in Vernon British Columbia, Canada. Now you may be asking yourself. Where in hells blazes is Vernon? Well it's a little sweet town in the interior of BC. Roughly 50,000 in population surrounded by gorgeous rolling hills, beautiful orchards, and tall treacheries mountains. My father grew up here and he wanted me to as well. Wanted me to grow up as normal as possible, like that's possible when you're a demon. Now I mentioned earlier I'm of royal blood. Well my father is a lord, a king of his own land in hell, the land of sand. We from the land of sand, especially those of royal blood can control sand and what a power it was, expect I couldn't. My older brother Roman could. I didn't know much about my mother but I guess she did. My father was most powerful of all but me, no. I was a dud it seemed. The only thing I've ever been capable of was getting myself into sticky situations. More so with my best friend Chessipie Finn, we all just called her chessie for short. she was suppose to be my guardian but she was just as mischievous and troubled as I was so instead of protecting me like guardians are suppose to, she was my partner in crime. Now are you wondering what guardians are? Well a guardian is an elite group of warriors, a sub species of us purebred demons. Every land had them and every land had similar rules. 1) Guardians are not to have any kind of romantic relations with a demon. 2) A guardian caught having a romantic relationship with a demon is to be sentenced to death. 3) All guardians must perform their duties. Protect the royal family and do so with honor and sacrifice if need be. ect ect. Pretty much a guardian was suppose to protect me even if it means they die. As you can see however chessie is my best friend. There's no way she falls under any of those rules and my father knows this. My father is very lenient when it comes to chessie because he knows just how important she is to me. Even if we get suspended from school together, far too often then I'm sure my father liked.

Back to it being Monday. I was oddly in a bad mood that morning. I just had this bad feeling the moment I awoke. It was as if all my instincts were screaming at me to run. Run from what I wasn't sure. But I dressed in my favorite navy blue skinny jeans and plain blue shirt. I don my black and silver flats and headed off to school. Regardless of my trouble making nature I was a b+ student and excelled in history. But walking down the street I still felt this unease feeling looming over me like a heavy weight upon my chest. It made the walk to school seem unnaturally long because of this. I was however immediately relieved when I saw chessie and my future mate Criss. He was royal blood too however he was from the land of fire. He had wispy blonde hair and plain old brown eyes. He was tall but he couldn't be more then 5'10 and I was his senior by one year. Now future mates also known as givens feel a natural draw toward each other. May it come naturally and imminently or built up over time. For me and criss. We both knew we could never love each other anymore then just friends. Our parents didn't know this and for a good reason. Our mating was supposed to unite two great nations and make peace between them. What were we suppose to do? Currently we had no idea all I knew was that this feeling of unease was still burning deep in my mind and cause for greater concern then our future mating. Even with this feeling chessie was forever her usual bubbly out spoken self running up to me and hugging me like we hadn't seen each other in years, when it fact it's only been about a day. The beautiful thing about all guardians, they all had such brilliant long jet black hair and baby blue eyes. Chessie was no exception other then she liked to style her black hair short and spiky, which was taboo for a guardian to do. As I mentioned before my father was very lenient with chessie. Wrapping my arms around chessie I laughed and tried to be my usual care free self but nothing got past this girl." what's wrong riley you seem off this morning ". She asked me stepping back resting her hands on my shoulders and looking me straight in the eye. Okay when she did that I couldn't lie. It was a weakness chessie knew how to exploit. I found myself glancing over at criss for back up but he had his hands up in the air knowing there was no escaping chessie. A deep sigh escaped my lips as my green eyes met chessie's stunning blue ones." I'm not sure to be honest. I've had this weird feeling all morning ". I said frowning trying to find the right words to explain it." it's like. Doom. Dread. Sorrow. I'm not sure don't listen to me I didn't have my coffee this morning ". I found myself laughing it all off but even then it sounded fake to my ears and I wondered if it did to others. chessie picked up on it right away so it obviously sounded as stiff and fake as I thought." well maybe it's nothing... ". She started, putting her arm around my shoulder and walking towards criss who was finishing up a cigarette." or maybe it's something. You never know. Your 'feelings' have been correct sometimes. Not always but usually pretty close ". Well when chessie put it that way I suppose she was right. Ever since I was young I could always sense things. my father brushed it off like it was nothing special but when one of my feelings saved a kids life last year I knew something wasn't quite right about these feelings, or the fact that since my 16th birthday two weeks ago they seemed to be increasing." their nothing to take seriously chessie you know that. Their just. Not real ". I said with a sigh looking over at my oddly quiet given." criss what's wrong you're so quiet this morning ". I asked concerned. Criss looked at me and shrug those football playing shoulders of his." I don't know I kind of agree with chessie on this one. Maybe something's going to happen today. Something bad ". I stared in disbelief at him. How could he side with chessie on this matter? I knew criss better than anyone so why didn't I see this coming? " I don't believe this. I have no powers guys I'm a dud. Broken. Invalid. I can't believe you would think that these 'feelings' I get are actually a power. It has nothing to do with the sand ". I said feeling a little upset with my friends. Looking at the time on my phone I shook my head and put it away." it's time for class guys were going to be late if we stand around here much longer ". The back parking lot of the school beside the shop class didn't take much time to get into the main building but still I needed something to distract them from my sudden new found powers. At least according to them. Adjusting my purple bag over my shoulder I started forward to the back entrance with dumb and dumber tagging along behind me talking nonsense about how cool it would be for me to have a power. This was amusing them far too much. When we made it to our lockers all side by side I struggled with my combo as they still talked about it. groaning with my frustration and rested my head on the wooden locker door and tilted it enough to look at them, my arms hanging limp at my side." honestly you guys need to stop or I'm going to hold auditions for new best friends ". the look on my face must have been enough to convince them to stop." sorry riley ". I heard criss first." yeah what he said ". My ever faithful bestie chimed in shortly after him. I stared at my friends then and truly wondered if they would drop the subject. I had this feeling id hear more about this at lunch when I saw them again.

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