Chapter Five-

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        Beep beep.

        My phone went off and woke me up, but I only opened my eyes, without moving. The feeling I woke up to, was beyond compare. I had one hand on Cam's chest, and the other was curled up under me. My head rested on the spot where his chest becomes his shoulder. His eyes were closed and him breathing was calm, so I didn't bother to wake him. I laid there and enjoyed the moment that thousands of girls would die for.

        My stomach growled. I haven't eaten anything in over four days. It was one of my longest fasts. It growled over and over again, so I left the bed and snacked on a granola bar. God, did I feel gross. I looked down at my stomach, it was huge. I hated it.

        "Jayde?" Cam yawned, rubbing his eyes, "Are you okay?" Inside was screaming no, but I had to lie.

        "Yeah," I wore a fake smile. I could feel fat growing in my stomach. The pounds were multiplying. Ugh. Can I just never eat again?

        "Okay," Cam shrugged, too tired to notice. It was almost funny how oblivious he was.

        "I'm going to the bathroom," I said walking away, not waiting for his response. I entered the bathroom, and I took off all my clothes. I pulled out my scale, and stepped on.

        "Ninety-four point five pounds," I mumbled, glaring at the scale, "I gained two pounds. How? I haven't eaten in four days!" I was angry. Cam made me promise not to cut, but he never said anything about bruising or burning. Although I got rid of my lighters about a month ago, I still had great fists.

        "Jayde, you've been in there awfully long, are you okay?" A voice behind the door asked. I can never be in a bathroom alone without someone worrying.

        "Yeah," I said back in a normal tone. My tone didn't match what I was feeling. Tears rushing down my face, I giggled at how fat I looked. This is terrible! Black and blue outlined in yellow covered my stomach and thighs. I'm lucky, I bruise fast.

        "You sure?" Cam asked, "I don't want you breaking our promise."

        "Oh my god! I'm not! Can you please leave me alone?" I shouted, aggravated. 

        "Okay, okay!" He said, backing away. I imagine he has his hands up in surrender. I listened for his footsteps to fade, and then I purged.


        "Jayde you look sick," Cam poked me in the ribs, right on a new bruise. I yelped, grabbing my side.

        "I'm alright, I promise," I winced. He nodded and looked back at the TV. Today was a lazy day. I leaned in closer, resting my head on his shoulder. Cam was right, I did feel odd. He put his arm around me and smiled.

        We watched Finding Nemo, and when it was over I got up to make him some food. When I stood up, my head started to hurt. I figured I just got up to fast. I waddled over to the kitchen. 

        "What do you want?" I asked dizzily. He shrugged, walking over to me.

        "It's fine, I can make it." Cam chuckled, "I'm not a baby."

        "I was just trying to be nice, Ca... Ca...C..." My breaths were getting short, and black spots appeared on the outsides of my vision.

        "Jayde, are you 100 percent sure you're okay?" Cam kinda demanded, in a worried voice. He could tell something wasn't right.

        "C..." I couldn't think straight. The black spots took over, and soon it was all dark.


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