her girl..

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Damien picked me up and put me on the counter. All I could do is giggle. I haven't spent time with the guys at all. We were just hanging out at Damien's shop. I started watching Caleb he really is a little shy giant. I am falling in love more and more with every kiss.

Becca was playing around and Damien touching her wifey and shit like that. Damien told her if she is your wife the kiss her like you were in the club big girl. Becca starts walking up to me and stands between my legs. She looks up at me and said " I should show them how your wet pussy should be licked"  I looked at my Cay and his face was so red...when I looked back at Becca she leaned up and smashed her lips to mine. Oh my goodness.....
I was turned on right now. For some reason, I wanted Becca Caleb, and Damien so bad.

Caleb stood up and got in between my legs and whispered " wanna take her home with us "

"You are not upset"

"No baby it's a fucking turn on watching you blush over a girl and how you look at her... It's like I look at Damion."

I get lost in his eyes. Oh my, I can't believe this is my future husband.

With everything that is going on, we all forgot about Enzo... I kind of thought Becca would help us even if it just for tonight.

I guess the guys have some mind-reading shit going on between each other with their little nods.

" Hey Day ... You wanna close up shop and get our girl and her girl some food and take them to get their cars?" Caleb yelled over his shoulder.

" Hell fuck yeah as long as we all meet  back at the house "

I look over at Becca and asked her if she wanted to come home with me and my hubby's...she said fuck yeah she would just leave her car for Ang and ride with me.

We went to get lunch. Cay took us to a nice place by the office. We walk in getting looks like crazy. Not really bad one though.

" Mr. Wilson so nice to see you... Aww, I see you finally brought the other Mr. Wilson with you" she giggled at Caleb. All he did was smile because he saw I had the huh look on my face. " Are these you little sister's sir?"

" No this is our wife and her girlfriend," Damien said in a very dominant voice.

Becca and I just stood there smiling. I reached for her hand as Cay placed his hand on my lower back and Damien walked behind us to the table. I sat next to Cay and Damien sat next to Becca .

" I'm gonna answer before you ask " Caleb blurts out. " Yes me and Damien were married. We just filed for divorce last week. The only reason we did that is that we want to marry you. I will be the one you marry legally but as of right now it looks like it will only be me and Day marrying you.. well, that is if your girlfriend allows us to marry you..."
We all start laughing.

" Y'all are so cute together....I can't believe you really waited for her Cay." Becca said as she grabs my hand and giggles.

"When we had to leave I didn't think Caleb would turn out the way he did with him being main Alpha. I thought he was gonna be a horn dog." Day said smiling at Cay.

We ate lunch and talked more. The guys were telling about things they did as kids. It seemed like we all were having fun. I really enjoyed my guys and Becca. I wish it could be like this every day.

" Hey, Baby, "

" Yes????" I hear 2 voices reply.

" Ok Hey Cay, Becca wants to see the office and I need to get my laptop from your office. Can we please go there before we get our cars?"

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