10 years and counting

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We have been married for 10 years today.  We are taking Chloe to dinner tonight just the 5 of us.  I can't believe this wonderful woman has put up with us for this long.  We have 11 kids and she is almost due with our 2nd set of twins.  After she had Damiens little girl we stopped planning who is the Bio father. We are fathers to all of the babies. We can tell that Enzo is the bio of 3 1 boy and 2 twin girls  Damien only has Camien and Candace.  Colton well we know for sure he is Caydens bio and Mira is mine but the other 4  they look like both of us.  Chloe still wants more after the twins come but i want her to enjoy her life. Her famous words " I am doing what i was born for and it makes me happy" . I thank god everyday for her.  We had to move in to a bigger house . Me and Enzo designed it .  15 bedrooms and 17 bathrooms  having 6 girls and 5 boys so far is a lot but with Momma bear it has been a breeze and she still makes us men happy. Very happy. 

Damien came down stairs smiling from ear to ear. I could tell he just got done doing something with someone.  Then I see Enzo come behind him they couldn't keep there hands off of each other . I laughed at them, they act like teenagers a lot with each other now.  Chloe loves how close they are now.  I go to see if Chloe was ready and I run in to Cole coming out of our room he didn't look to happy. " Bro what's wrong?" I asked grabbing his arm   "She is in there hurting and won't cancel dinner"  I looked at him " What do you mean hurting?"  he turned and opened the door and she was on her knees leaning on the bed.  She seen me and cried out  " they are coming Daddy" i told Cole to go get Enzo and Day.  I helped  her on the bed.  "Daddy can i lay on you please"  For 6 of the 10 babies she has gave birth to she has laid on me until it was time. She actually gave birth to the last one on me here at the house. That was so beautiful to me.  I climbed to the head of the bed and leaned back on the head broad .  She climbed on top of me straddling me and leaning forward with her arms on my chest holding herself up.  Cole came back with the guys. He got behind her on his knees rubbing her back.  Enzo called the doctor and there are getting her room ready for her. Her contractions are about 15 minutes apart.  she finally leans back on Cole.  We have been talking trying to keep her mind off of the pain a little.  

" damn I have the sexy ass big brother in front of me and the sexy ass little brother behind me." She said as she wrapped one arm around coles neck and put the other on my face.  I knew what she was gonna do next.  She started moving her hips back and forth on my cock.  She does this everytime.  " No Chloe stop it"  I tell her as i try to hold her hips still.  It didn't work she moved them more.  She took her dress off and she sat on me naked begging me.  I have never had sex with her while she was in labor but the others have. I am to afraid of hurting her.  She reached and undid my pants and pulled my cock out.  " I won't put it in me Daddy i just want to feel it against me ... My sweet gentle giant I love you for being the way you are...."  She put me in between her lips then moves her hips again.  She is moaning out of pleasure  " Daddy I'm gonna cum and then we need to got and get these babies out of me and in to you daddy's arms.  Damien and Enzo went and got the truck ready. Cole stayed holding her hips until she was done. He was whispering things in her ear making her move faster. Damn she is gonna make me cum....  "Daddy are you gonna cum with me?  I feel your monster jerking like her wants to"  damn .... " Yes Butterfly I am fixing to ...... " Next thing i knew i was cumming and she came so hard she fell back on Cole. He grabbed her dress and put it on her. He helped her off of me. I got up and cleaned up and grabbed a towel for her. I knew her water would be breaking soon.

An hour later we welcomed 2 more girls..... One looking just like Enzo and the other one looked just like Damien.  We got to go home a couple days later ..... 13  babies 4 husbands and 1 amazing wife/mother

10 years later.....

"Daddy he told me he loved me.... I believed him"  Mira cried into Damien's shoulder as Camien came behind her " I'll take her Dad " as he grabbed his big sister..... " Sissy it's gonna be ok" he told her as she curled up in his lap. They know that they are not blood related ....and well Camien loves Mira more than anything in this world...  Luciano came in and seen his sister crying in his brother lap " Cam I am gonna kill this motherfucker. no one hurts my Sissy"  

I sit and watch all my babies take care of each other.  I have 15 now  8 girls and 7 boys  the youngest is 7 he my little man I think he is Caleb's he is just like him.  Mira and Cam are 20  and Luciano is 19  Cayden is 18 Candace just turned 17  the first twin  Laci and leni are 16 Coletain is 15 Carlie 14 Noah is 13 Catalin  is 12 the other 2 girls  Danni and Emmi are now 10  Carl is 8 and my baby Cal is 7

"Cam me and Cay was talking we have to take care of our girls.... we have 8 sister to love and make sure no one hurts them.

For the love of our girls!!!!!

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