Chapter 5 - The Black Pearl

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The next day there was a snow storm, and despite still Molly wanting to try and enjoy the snow, Taron convinced her it was too dangerous out there. Because of all that they decided to spend their day inside. The resort had a few extra indoor activities for guests because of the storm. They had puzzles and board games scattered on tables by the big fireplace. Guests could sign up for a knitting or painting class. The resort also planned to have a kiddie movie night at 6 and an adult movie night at 8 with free popcorn and hot chocolate. The thought of free popcorn excited Molly. She usually had it every other day, but hasn't had any since the trip started.

"Wanna do a puzzle?" Molly asked Taron

"Sure, but which one? The possibilities are endless." He joked pointing out the 20 displayed puzzles available.

"Maybe one with 200 pieces so we can go to that painting class."

"That sounds good, love. I've never knit, but it's kind of fun to paint sometimes"

The pair put together a 200 piece puzzle that they picked at random and tossed the top of the box to the side so they wouldn't see the picture. As they put it together they guessed what it would be. At first they thought it was just a picture of a dark ocean at night. Later they put together that there was a pirate ship sailing on the sea. With 20 pieces left Molly recognized it specifically and over excitedly announced to Taron, "That isn't just any pirate ship, it's the freakin Black Pearl! There's a skeleton crew on board the ship so it must've been from Curse of the Black Pearl when Hector Barbossa was captaining the ship."

"How the hell did you get that?" Taron questioned

"Sweetie," Molly patronized as she put a hand on his shoulder, "I have been able to quote that entire movie since I was six years old. Once you put the sail's pieces together I knew."

"Wow that's pretty impressive. Six years old. What is your favorite line."

"Normally that would be a hard question, but I have always loved when Mr. Gibbs is telling Will Turner about how Captain Jack escaped from the island and he says with a super serious face,'Aye, seaturtles'." Molly mocks the accent as she says it. Taron gives a nod of approval remembering that line from the movie.

After they finished up lunch at the cafe, a voice calls out to everyone in the atrium announcing that there are few spots left for painting. Molly and Taron head over and sit at two easels in the back. They are given a few brushes each and free range of all the colors of paint they have. The instructed class was painting a scene similar to a Bob Ross winter scene, but neither of them felt like painting a landscape so they did their own thing. Molly painted a beautiful background with a treasure chest spilling gold coins out of it piling along the ground. Above the chest was a beachy scene with a palm tree and the sky. In the middle of the painting were the words 'Not all treasure is silver and gold' written in calligraphy. It was a quote Molly loved from Pirates of the Carribean. When she was done Taron looked over to see her work.

"Another pirate's thing?" he remarked

"Yeah, of course." She answered, "What? I've got Captain Jack on my mind"

He laughed and showed her his since he just finished. He was a little embarrassed because he thought Molly's was so good. He had painted what kind of resembled the famous painting, The Scream, except his face was very different.

Taron pointed to the face and said, "It's supposed to be me" they both laughed until they noticed everyone who was listening to the instructor was now looking at them from the noise of their laughter. They quickly shut up. A pink blush rose to both of their cheeks from embarrassment while they tried to stop smiling.

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