Chapter 8 - Rescued by a Prince

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Molly opened her eyes to find her laying on Taron. She looked up at his face to see he was still asleep. She slowly and quietly crept out of bed, grabbed some clothes, and ran to the bathroom. She took a quick shower and got dressed. When she came out, Taron was just finishing up a call. He smiled at her. She had her eyebrow raised in intrigue.

"I'm not telling" Taron insisted

"I have no clue what you may be referring to" she lied

"It is a surprise. You'll find out soon enough"

Her expression stayed the same until she plopped onto her bed, putting Brooklyn Nine-Nine on again. Taron had initially planned on getting dressed at this time, but got sucked into the show again. He noticed that Molly would often be lip syncing most of the lines of the show. This prompted him to joke, "Well then, aren't you a lot like Santiago"

"You really think?" She got excited

"You don't?" He asked

"I feel like I relate to all of the characters in some way. Although I'd love to be more like Amy, I feel like Jake and Boyle a lot."

"I see that too, but there is definitely some Santiago in you."

"TITLE OF YOUR SEX TAPE" Molly yelled, having to take that golden opportunity

Just then, there was a knock at the door. Molly opened the door to find a server with a tray. Molly took it and thanked him.

"So this is what it was"


She opened the tray to find an assortment of pastries. They were her favorite the other day when they had breakfast in his room. After they were full, Molly had to convince Taron to stop watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine since it was their last day and she wanted to play in the snow again. He agreed as long as she promised they could watch it more some other time. She agreed so she could pull him outside.

Molly and Taron played in the snow for a while again. They had a snowman building contest, made snow angels, and had a little snowball fight. During the snowball fight, Molly slipped and her glasses fell off her face. It took her and Taron a few minutes to find them, but luckily they remained uncracked.

"My hero!" Molly exclaimed while putting her glasses back on

"I can't have my fair lady not being able to see"

"How can I ever repay you?" She joked, batting her eyes

He pulled her into a hug. Molly looked up at him and they kissed. After, they went to a local diner for lunch and warmed up before they went out to the snow again.

Molly and Taron decided to try skiing again. They headed down to rent some skis again at the same place as before. Molly set a goal to ski for 30 seconds down the bunny slope without freaking out and stopping or losing her balance and falling. That may be laughably easy for some, but this feat took a while. They did have fun and both remained unscathed as they headed back to return the skis.

"I don't want to be going back. It's making me sad that it is our last day"

"Yeah, let's just stay here forever"

"No, you can't tell me that or else I will. I need a voice of reason right now or I'll go ask around for jobs so I can stay."

"It would be a nice life though"

"I couldn't say I'd mind living here at all, but I'd definitely miss my family."


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