Prologue - Kingdom of Xandra

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The clicking sound of leather boot heels echoed throughout the palace hallways, piercing and attention grabbing. The King stood tall and proud, his thick woolen cloak draped across his broad shoulders. Words from the speech he had recited only minutes earlier bounced around inside of his head, controlling his every thought and every move. He had to get this right, it was his duty to get this right. For his people, his staff and his Kingdom. Mostly his father but he had no right to be there so why was he so worried? Those thoughts yet again wondered as he turned the corner, large wooden doors standing before him. Guards adorned in strong metal armor reached to grab the iron handles for the King, their sheathed swords glistening in the sunlight that came from the windows around them. His chest seemed to tighten with every step, his body begging him not to move any closer in fear of messing up and destroying his reputation as His Majesty. But he pressed on, the large doors now open as the courtyard below him was spotted with people. 

Men, women and children young and old stood down below, looking up at the man as he felt the ground shake. The King didn't realize that he completely zoned out until it all came back, the sudden sound of their loud cheering a roar in his ears. They all cheered for him, regardless of how he got that position and whether he deserved it or not all being pushed aside. This was their King and he was destined to save them from the poverty that the last years' war brought. Right?

The man raised his hand and the crowd went silent, his mouth opening slightly as he tried to find the words to speak. To his surprise, they were all gone. He had forgotten them in the midst of looking through his people! Think. . . think of something! Suddenly, as if by a miracle, words began to flow from his mouth. As if by the hush of the wind, his people stood below, wide eyed as His Majesty spoke of promises to his Kingdom, his plans for the future and just how much he adored them. They looked like little children sitting around the village elder, listening to their tall tales of the past, far before they were born. The King continued, giving not only his plans but everything that had happened to him in the past few years in the war against their Kingdom, noting that not only did he apologize for the destruction of their homes but the death of their people. He promised to make up for all of it with overwhelming support for the poor and struggling individuals within their limits and the promise of a democracy. No longer would the King make all of the decisions that led to changes but the people allowing to give their opinion of what mattered most. And what was needed. His lips were sore by the time they closed for the last time, the sickening roar bouncing off the stone castle walls. Not only were they cheering but they were clapping, tears streaming down the faces of those below. 

A new age had begun in the Kingdom of Xandra and the King promised new light in the sea of darkness that had plagued their minds for years. He'd bring joy and peace to the realm, no more war and no more violence. In some minds, his promises ring like church bells, proud and strong. They would go into play, the King would make those changes. He would save them all. In others, it seemed more like empty promises, heavy bags of food dropped on doorsteps just to be found empty. But all in all, he had promised to change. The King had promised to change everything for the better of the people. Would this happen or would the man leave them in the dust like the last tyrant? All the people could hope for was for no more darkness in the rule. 

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