Chapter 3 - The King's Quarters

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By the soft flickering of firelight dancing across the bedroom walls, the King sat before the fire on the floor. His eyes seemed to solemnly gaze into the dangerous flames, seemingly itching for a taste of his soft fine skin. To burn, to destroy. That was their duty, was it his? The thoughts of his father run heavy in his mind, his hand rising to rub it away as well as the headache it was seemingly helping to form in the confides of his mind. Too much was fluttering around inside of there and sitting before this flame wasn't helping. Cole needed a solution, a distraction from the obvious overthinking that was occurring here. His opinions darted left and right in his mind before a soft grin erupted on his illuminated face, getting to his feet and beginning to dress for the cold temperature he'd find in the hallways around him. A midnight walk sounded like a great plan, well to him at least.

Within minutes, the heavy wooden door dividing the King from the hall was swung open, its metal hinges creaking due to years of use. The man stepped out, adored in what seemed to be only his heavy woolen cloak, crown-less as his leather boots clicked against the fine marble flooring. "Your Majesty?" The King swung his head around, slightly frightened by the guard posted at his door during the night. He looked nervous, wondering why the exhausted looking young man was leaving his room at this time of night. "What might you be doing? It's been a long day for you and you need your rest." Cole readjusted his cloak, straightening his terrible posture as if he prepared to give the boy a speech. "I'm going for a quick midnight walk, what isn't to love about the cool night air blowing into my face? I am indeed tired but I needed to clear my head before retiring." The guard seemed hesitant to answer, his thin lips parted slightly in confusion. What was to say? "I- have a good walk, Your Majesty. And do return." Cole seemed satisfied with his answer, giving the man a nod with a grin before turning and continuing on his way into the dark, cold halls of the night.

The gardens were quiet like usual, seemingly ridden of any intelligent life other than the King himself. This place always brought him a sense of peace and understanding, something he so desperately needed in that time. The Royal Court had slung many rocks into their words, most that seemed like pebbles loaded into handheld slingshots. Their questions and advice pelted him, causing breakage in his integrity and stability. Cole was growing weak and worn out and he needed that sense of understanding to help him get through it. He stepped back into the secluded area that seemed to be his second home, seating himself at the stone bench and preparing to rest. "Oh, it's you again." The King opened his eyes and low and behold, Alexander sat on the opposite bench once more. Yet this time, the man seemed exhausted himself, ridden of his energy and drive to continue forwards. Even continued to sleep. "It is indeed." The man was surprised at the King's words, wondering what exactly was going on inside that brain of his. Was it lacking of emotion or full of all the glorious colors of life? Not like Alexander could tell just by looking at him, even through his emerald green eyes. Even they hid the true nature of this man before him.

"What are you doing up so late? You should be in bed." "As should you." Of course he bit back, not wanting to answer his question. Definitely void of emotion, Alexander was calling it now. Place your bets people. The man was planning on saying something else when suddenly, the King caught him by surprise by answering his previous question. "I was out on a midnight walk and decided to stop here to rest." Alexander caught himself staring into those green pools of addicting light, unable to contain himself as his entire soul was wrapped around their beauty. No wonder the maids always wanted to get face to face with His Majesty, it was hard to turn away once you got a taste. "Care to join me on the rest of my journey?" The servant shook himself back to life, nodding his head in agreement. "I would- would love to Your Majesty!" His gaze dropped to the grass below his feet, ashamed of his crushing attitude towards the man before him. Nonetheless, the King rose to his feet and began to walk, the servant following close behind as they made their way out of the inviting gardens into the dark hallways that snakes throughout the palace walls.

Alexander couldn't seem to remember just how long they had been walking until the King finally began to slow a bit, the servant catching his gaze every minute or so. He seemed to be studying him, wondering just what to do with him. "Whatever you staring at?" The man just shook his head, chuckling softly as they continued onwards. Alexander just huffed in response, sticking his hands into the pockets of his black pants as his gaze tried to focus elsewhere. His eyes might've been able to, but his thoughts never left the idea of the King staring at him. But why? "What are you hiding, Your Majesty?" Alexander glanced over at the royal out of the corner of his eye, noticing the change in mood of the man. His eyes spelled danger and his posture stiffened, the King moving to an intersection of the main halls to try and avoid him. The servant wouldn't let the man get away with this!

Cole was trying so hard to get away, not wanting to talk to this man about his feelings. No one can be trusted! No one! Yet this man made him feel much different, much more invited into this crazy new world that the Kingdom of Xandra set on his plate of life. A small hand grabbed his wrist as he stopped, gazing back at Alex as he stood his ground. "I expect an answer." No formality, just honesty. It was nice to say the least, someone finally treating him like a normal human being. But. . . what was it exactly that Alex wanted?

Alexander looked up at the King with wide eyes, his back suddenly pressed against the cold, stone walls of the intersection. The man's hand was placed on his chest, the pressure coming from them soft as a feather. Yet the servant let the King do what he wanted, why was that? His muscles seemed to tense under his touch, his honey colored eyes meeting the gaze of the King's. They seemed to dig into him, like a knife on the skin of an apple. What was this feeling?

Cole let his breath linger on the servants neck, knowing just what he was doing. It was a joke of course, something to throw the man off and give him a loop to mess around with. His body leaned into his, the servants moving accordingly as if they were in a dance together. The King smiled softly, licking his lips as they softly brushed against the skin of the servants ear. They parted slightly, his fierce gaze now fixated on the stone wall ahead of him. Fire burned in their veins. Nothing would be the same from this moment on, for the both of them.

"No Little Crow, what are you hiding from me?"

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