Chapter X

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Chapter X

months - help - a very merry christmas - gold rush


Josh marked the date on the calendar he had just bought from the convenience store across the street. So far, the places of the world calendar and the black pen in his hand were the only non-edible things he had bought in New York. His suitcases were already packed in the corner of the room, though he hadn't found a prospective place yet.

His job at the law firm more closely resembled a receptionist than anything else, but hopefully maintaining a good impression on the partners could help push his career forward- Topanga was to thank for most of that.

However, that meant for the time being at least, his budget was limited.

A limited budget obviously meant limited housing options, especially when you decide that you want to live in New York City.

It had been nearly a month already, and Josh was proud to say that he had let go of his anger. Some of his anger, he should say- he was on decently better terms with Maya and he'd adjusted to his job more or less, but he hadn't visited his father. With all the weights that had been slowly lifting off his back lately, he'd been ignoring to only one that pushed down on him as heavy as ever.

The anniversary was coming up in less than two months. Josh had just circled it on the calendar, under a bright picture of the Eiffel Tower. He himself didn't like to call it an anniversary. He liked to think that an anniversary was a more celebration; a birthday, twenty years of marriage. This day, that day was far from joyous.

He knew that he should've gotten it over with a while ago. That black pen and that calendar were just a twelve dollar distraction, a way to stall himself.

The lump in his throat was all too obvious as he stared at that date. The black writing burned his eyes.

August fifteenth.

A knock sounded at the door.

His head snapped away from the calendar, and the room seemed just that much brighter. He took a moment to compose himself, looking at the ceiling, before responding.

"Come in."

Maya poked her head into the room. The walls no longer seemed dark grey- rather, almost white, and he wasn't sure if it was the sunlight from the hallway or just her presence. "Hey."


His head dropped to the floor, and then to her. She gazed at him hesitantly, and he knew that she knew. Her reluctance bruised his heart. He had been so cold to her back then, and she remembered. He knew that she wouldn't have forgotten, but he was kinda hoping that she did.

"Still haven't found an apartment, huh?" She slipped completely inside, leaving the door just open.

"Nope." He wondered if his tone was as dejected as he'd thought it was.

She smiled faintly, staying firmly by the door. Better terms did not exactly mean good terms, as they'd both come to realize. "Cheer up, Boing."

His old nickname caught his attention.

"You'll find a place." She continued, as if oblivious to her effect. Her words went right through him, though- she did not typically offer such empty comforts. Maya, instead, appreciated the comments that were honest, and came from the heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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