CH12. Daph POV - While My Guitar Gently Weeps

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"Hey Daph, how was your weekend?" Katy asks me. She just finished her shift at the library and I'm talking over. She's hanging around to make small chat.

Katy is the kind of girl that's friends with everyone, but I have no idea who she would go to if she had to pour her heart out. She's sweet and everyone gets along with her, but I don't know who her real close friends are. That's the kind of question that keeps me up at night.

Speaking of questions, I should be answering hers. Her question is fairly easy.

I had a great weekend. I spent time with my friends. Alex finally admitted he had a boyfriend when we confronted the said boyfriend. We have plans to actually met up and get to know him. I can't tell her that, but I can talk about our shopping, and my new CDs and how Jeff is a saint and I could kiss him if he cared about kissing anyone. I also watched Fred's sister and she dropped paint on Kevin's shoes. It wasn't done on purpose, it was an accident, but it was still epic.

I have all of these things to say. I have all of this to talk about.

All I'm thinking about are those few minutes with a stranger in a bathroom.

I can't talk about that, but that's all I want to talk about.

What is wrong with me?

If I care so damn much about that sexy Flea Market Guy I could have just given him my name or my number. I could have asked for more than just heated kisses in a public place.

I hate myself a little today.

I'll answer the question like a normal person. I can do that. "It was good, I hung out with friends, went shopping, babysat a friend's kid sister. All in all, not too shabby. How about you?"

"I went to see a movie with some of my teammates from the cheerleading squad. Stacey wasn't there, so we had fun," she says, adding the last part a little jokingly. I guess Stacey's bad rep precedes her everywhere.

"Poor girl, I think someone showed her the wrong high school movies. Like, maybe a little less Carrie, a little more Breakfast Club in the future," I answer.

Katy laughs at my joke. "Speaking of Stacey, what's going on with her, Lexi and Blake? There's a lot of drama lately," she then asks, clearly wanting some gossip.

I don't get Stacey. I don't understand what she's trying to do with her life. She can't actually like Blake, she could be obsessed with him, but I don't think she is. I think Stacey has no idea who she is so she's doing what she thinks a teenager should be doing. It's kind of like she's an adult pretending to be a teenager and failing miserably.

Sometimes I actually feel bad for her. But then she acts like a troll bot Twitter account and I don't feel bad anymore.

I don't really get Lexi and Blake either. I don't get why Lexi is so wrapped up in her own head, trying to make Blake the bad guy all the time.

Sure the guy can act like a smirking jerk sometimes, but he's never malicious. I think he's just annoyed with people.

I can get behind that. And I know he's not really a jerk. Being friends with Fred, means I know Blake is actually a good guy.

I don't really get why Lexi is making all of this so hard on herself. She's like a nun trying to qualm her earthly desires. If she likes the guy, she should just kiss him in a public bathroom.

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