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Camila POV

I recently came back from London finishing my new movie Cinderella that will be coming out soon. It was originally supposed to be released on October 2 but we stopped production because of Covid 19. And it will now be released on September 3 of next year. I'm very excited to share it with my fans.

Right now I'm at home in Miami on a Friday night, on my couch, eating popcorn, watching my favorite TV show; Friends. I love this show a lot, its so funny. My favorite characters are Joey and Chandler. They always stick by each other no matter what. I love their friendship. It kinda reminds me of mine and Dinah's, we were best friends. I miss her a lot too. I sometimes stalk her Instagram page to see what she's up to. Pathetic, I know, but can you blame me? I also miss the others too, especially, Lauren. I miss what we had, whatever it was. Sometimes I catch myself thinking about her from time to time. How are her parents? How are Chris and Taylor? How are her friends? Are they being a great friend to her? How is little Cleo doing? Is she being good for her Mamí? Is Lauren dating anyone? These unanswered questions floating around in my head since the last time I saw her.

Shawn isn't with me right now. He is working on his new music video for his new single call Wonder. I'm so excited to see it. He'll be back until later tonight. Yes, Shawn is currently living with me. We also have our own little place close to my parents house where I grew up in. I really like living with him. We would watch movies together all night or until one of us will fall asleep first then we would go to bed. No, not together. We each have our own rooms. And in the mornings we would cook breakfast together and we'd sit down and enjoy while we have a nice conversation. Our relationship is great currently, I mean, we we're not perfect. We have disagreements here and there. But at the end of the day we would always come back together.

It's almost 11 o'clock PM and the show is almost over too. I'm a little tired as well. So I decided to finish the episode first then I would go to bed. When it was over I started to get ready for bed. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. With a towel wrapped around me and one on top of my head I went to my room walking towards my dresser to grab some sweatpants and a black 1975 t-shirt. It used to be Lauren's but I kept it to remember her by. I sometimes wear it to bed, Shawn doesn't know that it's Lauren's. And I wasn't planning on telling him either. I know, I know. I know what you're going say "How could you keep that from your own boyfriend?" Well this t-shirt is special to me and I rather keep this to myself.

Selfish. I know.

I went to bed and decided to check my phone for any notifications or email or texts. When I was done I put my phone on my nightstand and charged it too. I stared at the ceiling trying to relax. My eyes were starting to get heavy when I heard my doorbell rang. I was confused at first then I realized that it was Shawn. Maybe he forgot his keys again. I chuckled while I was getting out of bed to answer the door.

I'm excited to see him again. I missed him. I walked up to the front door, while I was opening it I said,"Shawn, did you forget your keys again?" I laughed. When I opened the door fully I meet with piercing emerald eyes instead of hazel. My smile faded, it wasn't Shawn. It was Lauren. I was in shock, she was the last person I would have thought she'd ring my doorbell.

She gotten more beautiful since the last time I saw her in person. She is wearing a red crop top that shows off her abs, a black high waisted jeans that fits her really well and some light makeup too. I caught myself looking at Lauren up and down. I'm sure she noticed and I started to blush. We made eye contact for a moment when I started to speak, "Lauren. Hi, W-what are you d-doing here?" Ugh! Why do I stutter?

"I just heard you came back from London. So... I wanted to catch up." She said softly while running her fingers through her hair. For some reason she seems nervous and shy. It's cute. Ugh. What I'm I thinking? I have a boyfriend. I shouldn't be thinking of her like that. Not after for what she did.

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