10. Earth Hates Me

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Ruby Karp
Rate: 10/10

This book was an "advice for teens by a teen" kind but as you flip the pages you will realize that it also suits for someone who is no longer teens and still struggling with every aspect of their lives. And what surprises me the most is, she was just sixteen when she figured it all out and guess what, I don't even know what I was doing at such a young age.

Since I relate to most of the topics, and it felt like she was giving me an advice every time I read a word-I considered myself having a new best friend in the form of this book. So, let me share you "Ruby's Five Step Plan for getting over someone (who doesn't deserve your excellence.)"

1. The Big Cry and Confrontation of the Situation- This is simply just the confirmation that (once again) things did not go your way. And that's okay. You need to let yourself feel all the emotions you're feeling-to cry it all out if you need to. Getting your heart broken is the worst, but you can't work through your heartbreak without acceptance of the situation. Accept that you're sad and that you're going through something right now. It's okay to be feeling feelings!

2. Distance- Having to be around the person who broke your heart certainly will not help you get over it. No matter how painful or how much you want to see him/her (bcos maybe a part of you still really wants to), you need to do yourself the favor of getting the hell out of there. Once you are able to do this, you are ready for step 3.

3. Distractions- Get out and do something different, something you've always wanted to try. Find a place in your town that you've never been before and visit. Take cool, artsy photos with your friends. However you decide to distract yourself, savor those few seconds when your mind is not obsessing over what he/she is doing. It will make getting through the heartbreak process easier in the end.

4. Self-Acceptance- Often, we lose ourselves in the people we fall for. We start to blame them for the downfall of our happiness once that person is no longer part of our life. But basing our happiness on another person is our own fault. You can't expect to find happiness with someone else until you are happy with yourself. Accepting yourself for who you are and not the person everyone expects you to be means something a little different for everyone. If you are a person with a lot of self-love and are genuinely open with what you need and who you are, this step will be easy for you.

Whatever person it may be, whoever broke your heart, remember this: Nothing in the world is more important than your mental health and your self-acceptance. No one is worth sacrificing you and what makes you special.

The person you are is enough. If someone doesn't like the way you are then they're not worth the madness. No matter how cute, how crazy, how madly in love you are with that person, you have to stay true to yourself. You need to remind yourself that you are worth it. You are enough. You matter. You are important. Never base your self-worth on the opinion of others. The second you stop looking, someone will find you.

5. Time- Getting over someone is not going to happen in a day. The more you try to rush the process, the harder it's going to be. The more you force time to pass by, the longer it will take to actually do so. Taking time is the best step in getting over a heartbreak-it is the time in which you grow the most as a person and find that fun new restaurant and take the supercute selfie and post it online. If you take the time needed, you'll learn things about yourself you never knew. And one day, out of the blue, you'll wake up and find the world shines a bit brighter. You'll find the idea of that lost person isn't as haunting anymore. You'll find yourself and so much more.

It might not be applicable to everyone, but I think this five-step plan is still worth sharing. After reading each chapter, you will have an optimism view of your current situation-indeed, a badly needed friend who would cheer us up whenever we cry.

Thank you, Ms. Ruby Karp for this wonderful book. I really love it.

Btw, this book was a gift. Thank you! I didn't know that I'll be reading this trying to forget you. 🥺💇‍♀️

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