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the event was close to end, and jisung is not happy about it.

oh why?well because that mean he's gonna meet minho and hyunjin in a few minutes!

" jisung ah, calm down. " changbin said as he look at the other who's panicking and talking to himself.

" binnie ah, maybe its better if i doesn't confess right?i think i shouldn- "

" ya sungie ah, there's no turning back now. how long are you going to keep that feelings?it's better to just tell them, or you'll regret it later. " changbin said.

jisung look at changbin and sigh, changbin is right. how long was he gonna keep this feelings?isn't it better to just let it out?

chan and the others came back, that mean the event is ending very soon.

" sung ah, here is all of the report for today's event. " doyoung said and handed jisung the file.

jisung nodded and take the file, " goodjob to all of us for today. how many minutes left until the event will officially end?" jisung ask while checking the file.

chan look at his watch, " 3 minutes " he said and jisung froze.

shit, 3 minutes?! he wasn't prepared at all.

" the students are packing their things now " jaehyun, who just go back said.

" oh that mean... sung ah! your confession is getting closer! " taeyong said excitedly.

the others smirk and grab their things, " well president, goodluck. " changbin said and wink at him.

" we'll give you some space! bye president! " heachan said as he pull mark with him. taeyong and jungwoo also left after teasing jisung.

" goodluck sung " doyoung and jaehyun said and smile before leaving as well.

changbin and chan look at jisung and chuckled, " its going to be well, trust me " chan said and jisung just sigh.

" i hope so " jisung mumble. chan and changbin hugged jisung before leaving jisung all alone in the council office.

jisung glance at the letters and smile. " you can do this han. it's just confessing. nothing serious. " he said to himself.

and just then, he can hear footsteps outside. he look at himself on the mirror for the last time before grabbing his things.

he is now standing in front of the door, he can hear hyunjin and minho voice outside.

he sigh and open the door, no turning back.

hyunjin and minho was surprised to see jisung in front of them.

" jisung? you haven't went home yet? " hyunjin ask and jisung just nodded.

" why are you two here? " jisung ask and minho and hyunjin just look at each other and laugh awkwardly.

" uh well, we're here to meet someone " minho said and jisung just nodded.

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