7:50 am

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The door of the school finally opened up.I saw sooooo many familiar faces yet no one said hi,every body was just staring at me.

I looked at a chick named Kendell "Giana" Blanton who thanks to Her I  niw have a limp in my step because she was bullying me per usual last year and she featured my foot and it never quite healed right.

"What the fuck are you looking at?"I  snapped at her and she looked away honestly a little frightened.

I proceeded to walk into the gym and sitdown at the top of the bleachers with my friends away from everyone else.

Then I saw her Sarah Miller,my ex and about the most toxic person to ever walk the earth.She was walking towards me with a mocking look on her face and she said "What are you looking a Schitzo?" Clearly making fun of the fact that I have seen things that can be explained at all.

I smirked at her and replied with mock innocence "Your ugly face,cause there ain't nothin' better to look at 'round here"

I'm working on making it better but I'm tired so imma take a break for tonight

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