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A/N: Hi, I'd like to preface this fic by saying that I'm not black. Although I am non-white, I also don't have the same experiences as black people do and therefore cannot do their stories justice the way that they can.

I really debated on how best to write this au, because I want to give the best representation that I possibly can, and I even considered just scrapping it. However, I was really excited about it, and in the end I wanted to provide what representation I can, because as a racial minority myself, I know that some representation (so long as it's accurate) is better than none at all.

There are no internal monologues about being black in this story, because I don't know how that would go. I also realize that not all black people share the same exact thoughts/opinions and since I can't use my own personal experience with racism for this, I figured it best to leave out the internal aspects of it altogether, so that I don't misrepresent the black community. There is, however, some racism aimed at some of the characters by others. This is something I felt like I could accurately write about, having witnessed and experienced racism myself. The racism is there, presented, and condemned, but I don't offer much more than that. Discrimination on the basis of race and/or color is something that too many people have faced, and I felt that it was too important to leave out of the story altogether (especially considering it's part of why Tiana struggled to get her restaurant in the movie itself).

If you made it this far, thanks for reading!! This is something I've worked hard on, and I really hope you enjoy it! This first chapter is going to be mostly characterization and setting up the rest of the story, but I hope you enjoy it anyway!

Without further ado, I give you Real to Me!


"Just at that moment, the ugly frog up with his sad, eyes and pleaded, 'Oh, please, dear princess, only a kiss from you can this spell that was on me by a witch!'"

Virgil felt Patton lean over to him to loudly whisper, "Here comes my favorite part!" Virgil mentally prepared himself for what he knew was coming next.

"And the was so by his plea that she down," Patton was leaning in now, "picked up the creature," Virgil was leaning away, "and that frog!"

Pat gave a squeal of delight and grabbed the cat that was walking by, squeezing it so tightly its eyes seemed to pop out. All while Virgil was dramatically sticking his tongue out as far as he could.

That was one thing about his friend that Virgil would never understand. How could Patton possibly think that the story was anything but unrealistic and unsanitary? The princess could've contracted some disease! Or maybe the frog was lying and he wasn't even a prince?! Who came up with those stories?? He needed to have a talk with them.

"...and they lived happily ever after!"

He heard Patton sigh with delight before looking at Virgil's mama with pleading eyes. "Will you read it again Mrs. Bast?"

"Sorry, honey, we'd better be heading home," she said with a kind smile. "Say goodbye Virgil."

"There is no way I'd ever ever EVER kiss a frog. Yuck," Virgil ranted as he gathered his things from around the room.

"Even if he turned into a prince after?" Patton asked.

Virgil nodded hard. "Especially if he turned into a prince. Princes are just rich boys who do nothing all day but ride on their horses and dance with pretty ladies. I'd have to do all his work for him!"

"Nuh-uh!! Princes are brave, and polite, and after you're married, they only dance with you!" Pat defended.

"You don't kn-!"

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