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"I hope you know how disappointed I am in you guys

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"I hope you know how disappointed I am in you guys." Dawson said stiffly, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel as they idled at a stoplight. "Do you know how bad it sucks to be at the Court's beck-and-call for twenty minutes? And to make things worse, Kat almost got taken back home."

"She's okay, right?" Scarlett asked urgently. "Please say she's okay."

"Yes, she's fine. The Aides ruled in her favor, but that doesn't mean you're off the hook. That was a really serious crime and between the three of you...let me just say, Calypso is a cupidsend. So, do you guys have anything to say for yourselves?"

"We didn't mean to get Kat in trouble. We're really sorry." The girl murmured quietly.

"Yeah, sorry, Dawson."

"I wouldn't be so upset if you had just come to me in the first place. I'm supposed to be the rule breaker, remember? Kat's supposed to be the stick-in-the-mud, not the scandalous flasher. Even now, she'd still do anything to keep me from stuff like this."

"What do you mean stuff like this?" Sebastian asked, leaning forward in the backseat.

Dawson sighed.

"She's experienced Limbo before, back when she was with her former partner and we had a different ruling Judge. She knows what it feels like. It's the reason why all of our years together, she would never let me take any of the risks and why she went behind my back today." He pulled into the driveway, but didn't turn off the car as he continued. "Limbo can change a Cupid and she's struggled with herself ever since. She'd do anything to keep me from that fate and I'd do anything to make sure she never goes back. Which is why if you need help doing stupid stuff next time, just ask me."

"Wait," Scarlett said, "Kat's been to Limbo? What for?"

"It's not my place to say."

"But, you know she'd never tell us." Sebastian protested.

"Of course she would." He gave them a wry grin. "If you have the balls to ask. Now since you guys all hid this from me, I think it's only fair you two cook dinner. And none of that Hamburger Helper bull." He said as he climbed out of the car, making a point to carefully close his door before disappearing into the house.

Scarlett turned around to look at Sebastian.

"Mac and cheese?"


As they walked in the house and to their own rooms, Scarlett plopped down on her bed and tried to calm her racing mind. She had so much to think about and not enough willpower to deal with any of it at the moment as she turned on her side.

The faint smell of Old Spice and coconut suddenly overtook her nose, the cause being her floral-covered pillow that Sebastian had laid his head on last night when they were talking about the idea of revealing themselves as Cupids. It was a pleasant sort of scent, one she found herself taking a deep inhale of as she hugged the pillow to her chest. For a moment, she stayed that way, her eyes closed and her arms wrapped tightly around the scent of Sebastian when she remembered the way he had looked at her—with that crooked smile of his, brown eyes flashing and dark curls falling in his face, the quiet way he had called her by that stupid nickname. As quickly as the memory had come, she forced it out of her mind, sitting up and pushing the pillow away with burning cheeks.

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