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"I'd like to welcome everyone to the meeting in which we learned our lives were devastatingly ruined by people who decided it was fun to stick their noses in our business. Now—"

Samuel protested as Scarlett snatched the rubber toy hammer away from him with a glare.

"Thank you guys for coming, honestly," she said, turning to the others, "I know what's happening isn't ideal and you guys don't really have much of an idea of the situation. We explained as much as we could to you yesterday, so I'm hoping that you have a small sense of what's going on."

"We're all matched with the wrong person. We have to work together to get back with the right match by spending time with each other...right?" Jenevieve said.

"That's as good an explanation as any. So, I texted Kaia ahead of time and asked if it'd be okay for us to bring our Agents and they're here to answer any questions you guys have."

"What is this, a panel?" Dawson interrupted.

In fact, it was pretty much exactly that.

After Scarlett and Sebastian had shown up with their Cupid Agents in tow, Kaia was so excited that she ended up shifting everything in the living room around so that the U-shaped couch was facing a long table that sat in the center with two chairs behind it. She'd even gone as far as putting little pink paper plaques that read "Cupid 1" and "Cupid 2."

Kat was adamant that she be Cupid 1.

"Okay, let's get this started. We have to get back home soon."

"Actually," Kaia piped up, "I took the liberty to write down the questions everyone had—"

"More like the questions you squeezed out of us," Abel muttered.

"And I thought that'd be easier for you guys instead of plying you with them all at the same time," she finished cheerily.

"Oh! Thank you," Kat said, taking the piece of paper she offered her. "Okay, well I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Cupid Agent 004 and this is my partner, Agent 005. We're here to clear up this situation as much as possible, but please keep in mind that we might not be able to answer all your questions in accordance with the laws and guidelines of Midfólkvangr."

"Wait, if you showed us your wings and we know who you really are, doesn't that kind of ruin the point of laws and guidelines?" Liam asked.

"Don't get smart, kid. Anyways," Dawson plucked the paper out of her hand, "let's start with the first question! We won't be able to stay long, but we'll answer what we can."

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