Chapter 16: The Truth Revealed

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My team and I met on time when the mayor is busy because he told the professor that he is coming to the agency to meet us. We better be fast with our own meeting. We need to know the truth.

"We better be fast with the meeting," I said.

"Yeah, before the mayor comes home," Jack said.

"Okay, Victor. We need the truth to battle the mayor," Sarah said.

"Okay, he's......... unstoppable," the professor finally said.

"What?!" shouted Jim.

"Please, Jim," Ryan said.

"Okay," Jim replied.

"There is only one way to kill him," Victor said.

"What?" Valentina asked.

"To reveal his truth," Victor said.

"What is this truth?" I asked.

"He is a snake, Mike," Victor said. "And so is his brother."

"I thought they were extinct?" asked Valentina.

"He has lived in this world for centuries," replied the professor.

"Wow, he is very old and young," said Jack.

Jim laughed first. Then me and the others. After that, we stopped laughing.

"What kind of snake?" I asked.

"A snake that receives power from the people who always lie," Victor said.

"Then, how does he become human?" I asked.

"Well, anyone in here doesn't know especially the scientist," the professor said.

"Oh, great. Another thing that scientist can't find out," Jack said.

"Except me. I know why he can become human," Victor said.

"I take back what I said," Jack said.

"Okay, he can become human by the power of lying," Victor said.

"Seriously?" Valentina asked.

"Affirmative. Almost 80% of people lie in the whole world," said Ryan.

"Wow, I never thought so many people lie these days," said Sarah.

"He's here," said Ryan.

The mayor came into our meeting room. He came in wearing a tuxedo with a red tie. Nice and rich for a snake to wear like that.

"Oh, how nice for you all to gather here for a meeting excluding me," said the mayor.

"Why?" I asked.

"It's because I know what you are talking about," said the mayor.

We all gasp........except me. I scowled and the nanobots from my armor scrambled onto my body and I was armed. I opened my hands and the nanobots scrambled onto my hand and formed an Enkyan Sword.

"Whoa, there is no need to fight," the mayor said.

"Oh yeah, the "truth" is your enemy and we are going to use it against you," I said scowling at him.

"Then, I have no choice but to stop you," the mayor said.

"Till we meet again, team infinity," he said as he fades away.

I turned to the professor and ask, "So, what do we do now?"

"Now......... we wait for his next move," the professor said.

"I know his next move," I said.

Everybody looked at me.

"How?" Victor asked me.

"How? He and I are connected. I know what he is planning, he doesn't know what we are planning," I said.

"Where is he going to?" Sarah asked.

"You would not like that answer,' I said.

"Just tell us," said Jim.

"He is New York," I said.

The Hunt of the Shadows Book 1: The Light of DeathWhere stories live. Discover now