Chapter 6

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As I'm on the pillar, I see Diane and Meldy still going at it. I have to do something! I felt something boil in my chest, like a bubble about to burst and weighing down on my ribcage. I took a deep breath and screamed.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The scream created a shockwave a destroyed the trees in front of me. Diane and Meldy snapped out of it and looked towards me in shock. I was breathing heavily. "You guys are being tricked. The Holy Knight is the-" Before I could say anything else, the pillar crumbled and fell to the ground. Meldy was about to run towards me, but his eyes went blank again. He and Diane start attacking again while I fell. This is fine. I looked at the ground and prepared to land on my feet. When I landed, I saw a tornado made out of bugs? I ran to see the commotion and saw Lizzy all cut up and in front of the Holy Knight. I looked around and saw a pink armored Holy Knight that resembled a bug. Lizzy was grabbed by the hair and kicked away. When Hawk tried attacking, he was hit on the head and blood came out of his nose. I was angry. In a flash, I was right in front of him and took him by surprised. I kicked him away and he skidded back a good 10 feet.

"Muna!" I looked and saw Lizzy looking bruised and battered. I smiled at her.

"I got this." I felt something behind me and turned to look. As the Holy Knight was about to hit me with his staff, I grabbed the bell in my mouth and let myself get hit away. I landed in front of the pink Knight and she put her foot on my head.

"You got a little to cocky, didn't you?", she said while laughing. "To think this little girl can cause such a fuss." I saw the male Knight going towards Lizzy. "Wait a minute, Ruin. Isn't killing the princess a bad idea?" He looks up at the pink one.

"Of course. I'm well aware of that. Princess Elizabeth, out of respect for your bravery, I will tell you something. The source of the hypnotic suggestion I placed on them resides here on my staff." He looked at his staff and was surprised to find his little bell gone. "It's gone!" I smirked and spit out the bell. "You little bitch! That's what you were after the whole time! How dare you!" The pink one backed up when Ruin went to attack. "Now you must pay for your insolence!" When his fist was about to come in contact with my face, Meldy stopped him before that could happen.

"Not a chance. You're the one that's gonna pay now." I looked up and saw Meldy.

"The spell's been broken?" Ruin jumped away while Meldy picked me up and set me down next to Lizzy.

"You both were so brave. Now I see how far you'll go." Ruin didn't like the fact that he was being ignored and struck Meldy to the side and went after him. From here, I can see Ruin slam Meldy into the ground with his staff. He was picked up from his face and suddenly, Meldy threw a powerful bunch that caused a shockwave. Hawk was blown away and Lizzy and I just got a little dust. I saw Diane above the pink knight about to beat her to a pulp. Lizzy was almost passed out from the loss of blood and I had a giant headache, but all in all I was fine. Diane squashed Fresia, as I somehow know her name now, like a bug. Literally. Hawk was right next to us.

"I'm so sorry, guys. If only I was strong like my mom", Hawk said. I patted his side and Diane walked over.

"They're pretty messed up. We gotta get them back to town."

"I'm fine. I just got a headache is all." I stood up and looked down at Lizzy.

"Hold on", she mumbled. "Would you please? I want you... to take me along with you. I want to be with you, Muna, Sir Meliodas and Sir Ban."

"You can't do that! Not like this", Hawk was concerned. Lizzy only smiled.

"You know, I made... a promise. That I would never stop fighting... to protect the kingdom and it's people." Diane was quiet before speaking up.

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