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𝙁𝙚𝙗𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙮 18, 2020

"Hey Bill wait up", Mike runs up to catch Bill

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"Hey Bill wait up", Mike runs up to catch Bill. The two of them walk outside the school. "Hey Mikey. What's up", Bill smiles. "Well....I wanted to ask you in private if you knew where Stan and Patty were. I know you and Stan are best friends so I wanted to ask you personally."

"I have no idea....I texted Stan 1 million times and he still hasn't responded back and I have been blocked by Patty since 10th grade for spamming her with memes", Bill laughs.
"That sounds like Patty", Mike laughs with Bill.

"Well if you hear anything about Stan or Patty please tell me. I can not ride in Richies shithole of a car for one more day! I hate that piece of junk! I haven't heard from them since Last Friday and it's Wednesday now", Mike exclaims.

"Maybe they went on a cruise for their anniversary", Bill shrugs. Both of them walk into the entrance of school. Mike wraps his arms around Bill's shoulder.

"Well whatever it is imma need Stan to come back or he can just leave his car and not come back. I don't care. Plus the car rides in Richies car are so awkward. I can tell Richie and Eddie are mad at you. I don't really care what happened between the three of you but imma need y'all to resolve it", Mike rolls his eyes.

"Sorry about tha-
"Hey Mike. Mr. Hopper has an emergency meeting for the debate club and he needs everyone now", a girl with long blonde hair walks up to Mike and Bill. "Welp that's my cue to leave. See you later Bill", Mike solutes Bill walking off with the blonde girl.

Bill smiles then turns down the hallway. When he's down the hallway he can see Eddie and Beverly talking by a locker. Bill makes his way towards the two. But before he could reach the pair everything just


It was like a scene out of a movie. Something you would see in slow motion. In one second everything could just......change. One second ago Beverly had the biggest smile in the world. In the next second Beverlys smile turns into a frown. Now Beverly is sobbing in Eddies arms on the floor. Bill has never seen something so slow, but fast in his life. Beverlys emotions were fast, but the scene in front of him was slow.

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