Please, wake up!

358 19 10

Ling silently looked at fighter's body, that currently wasn't moving at all, Wich only, spoke more about the fact that the Dragon Warrior has died. But he was still in a stupor. Right Before his eyes flew all the 7 years that he shared with the brown-haired man, from the very beginning and to the end. From the moment, when he didn't even recognize Zilong at all, until the very moment when he thrust his  blade into him, forcing him to take his very last breath.

Finally, Finch silently falls down on his knees, right in front of the dragon. Now, there was no longer a soft smile on his face, his eyes no longer showing determination as they used to.

Guy gently pressed his palm to Zilongs neck, desperately clutching at the fact that he may still be somehow alive. But it was all in vain.

No pulse...

Ling haven't started crying, no. Now he was bursting with hatred. Self-hatred.

- Why... Just why did you trust me so much, why, despite how much I pushed you away from me, you still tried to help me...

He tightly gripped hilt of his sword, after which it crumbles into many blue feathers, just as it disappeared into thin air.

- Answer me, Zilong! You can not just die like this...

Finch gently lifted brown head along with his body, gently pressing it to his own, he began stroking his hair.

- Not in my arms...

He was still warm.

Naturally, there was no answer. The dead ones, do not speak, and Ling was very well aware of that.  He knew perfectly well that even that he did not aim, he made the blow as deadly as he could possible. And it showed an excellent result as expected.

- I did said that his kindness is worth nothing. After all, no matter how kind he was, it did not give any strength to him. Now that the main problem on my and your path is no longer there, the capture of Cadia is only a matter of time...

Saying this, the black dragon approaches  assassin, while sitting on the ground, only aggravating this whole situation in the eyes of Blue Finch. Now he embarked on the very path with no return, which the exact same Zhong told him about.

- However, you did say that you took my side, only for the sake of your revenge on Zilong. Most likely, after committing this revenge, you are going to leave me. But I'm surprised you don't look all that happy after what you have done.

Man said these words with an obvious grin. Naturally, he guessed that Ling was not really going to take revenge on Zilong in the first place, and, to be honest, least that he expected was that he would actually decide to kill dragon. More precisely, he was expecting Ling to kill him instead.

- I wonder what does it feels like to be killed by someone you thought was a close person to you, because from the outside he was pathetic. He literally stuck the sword in himself. Regrettable -

- He's not pathetic...

The guy abruptly interrupts him, still not letting go of the brown-haired head, continuing to stroke his hair.

- If one of us really is pathetic, then it is only me...

After all, Finch had only just realized how he felt about this idiot who was always smiling no matter what happened, always accepting all his mistakes, appreciating and protecting him at all costs, as if Ling was the only one he really cared about.

It is really a pity that now, that he will never be able to know that their feelings for each other, are mutual.

Ling stared into empty brown eyes again, and could no longer hold it back, his tears begin to flow from his eyes.

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