And you again

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"Brother Zi, I came to tie up your bandages, I hope you are not asleep."

The tigress opens the door after a while, but what she saw made her fall into a stupor. The room was empty, and the window that was practically next to the bed was open.

"Oh, Dragon God, don't tell me what he... Master Weidan!"

The girl immediately ran down the corridor in search of the old man.

Meanwhile, Zilong wasn't too far away from the Yonghe gate that led to the Dragon altar. It was going to be a long and difficult journey, but he wasn't going to back down. He should talk to him. Must.

Yes, it is very stupid to go after the Cyan Finch alone, especially when in addition to him there will also be his sworn enemy with his subordinate, when already one of them is able to defeat four fighters of the East at once, but as Zilong constantly says to himself:

"Nothing scares me, not even death."

But, of course, this was not so true. The only thing that scares the guy is the unknown that has followed him all his life. Now - she's practically breathing down his back, ready to grab him by the shoulders at the right moment and pull him down into the abyss.

The thought made the brown-haired man's body tremble, but he wasn't going to stop.

He was prepared for this. He had seen it before...

Dragon Illusion on mount Celeste. It was then that he saw the Black Dragon's victory over the Great one. It was then that he himself was defeated. Zilong's most secret fears were Then realized in that terrible dream. Fortunately, he managed to overcome this test and is now confident of what can happen. Only he knows where Zhong is going now, so he goes straight to the goal, or rather, to the forbidden zone of the Dragon soul. He was there that he met the Finch in its... new form.

Perhaps... confessing to him was a mistake, but on the other hand, he was able to get through to him?... Zilong can't know for sure.

"Still, why did you need to go to the Forbidden area, master?"

The white - haired women asks, following the tall, dark figure

"I foresaw that this damned geezer would give this pathetic kid back his spear, so I'll make sure that he doesn't bother me at all..."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll make him give up"

The Black Dragon smiled viciously as he looked at the Cyan Finch.

"After all, killing him isn't the solution for you, because..."

"Luo Yi. "

"Oh, right, Sorry, master."

"Zilong escaped?!"

"Y - Yes, master Weidan, maybe through the window..."

"What he a fool... Baxia, go in search of him, in his condition not to leave. Wanwan, you stay here. "

"But I can help you find him!"

"Wanwan, if you're staying here, you here."

"Oh. As you say, master..."


"I can't, Ling!"

The brown - haired shouted to the Finch, closing his eyes so as not to look down.

"You can, just don't look down! If I let go, you'll fall!"

The blond answered, holding his hand tightly.

"You can't hold me and you'll fall with me!"

"I'll rock you and you'll grab the next branch, okay?"

After these words, the guy began to gradually move his hand to the sides, but his hands immediately slid off his wrist, releasing his.


The Finch immediately leaped after the falling Zilong, catching him firmly in his arms and landing on the ground. However, with the landing came a strong pain in the legs, because of which the guy immediately fell to the ground with a scream. Looks like he sprained his leg when he landed.

"O Great Dragon, Ling! You shouldn't have..."

"If I hadn't done it, you'd have been hurt worse, you idiot. Wait, w-what are you -

Zilong immediately picks him up from the ground, lifting him in his arms.

"Hey, let go! I can do it myself! Zilong! Damn, I said -

"You'll be walking home for six months with a sprained leg, so let me help you."

"You should be worry about myself like this."

"I'm fine thanks to you, and at least I can walk. When we get home, we'll tie your leg."

"I wish you'd failed with your kindness, Zilong..."


The path was longer than the Keeper of the Spear of the Dragon thought. He just wanted to fall to the ground and not get up. He was tired, incredibly tired, but the forbidden zone of the Dragon soul is still very far away, which means that the brown-haired man can not stop, in any case.

But what Zilong saw made him stand in a stupor.

In the middle of the bamboo forest, a familiar male dark figure stood. His gaze seemed to burn through her. And the oppressive aura made you feel despair and longing.

"Well, Hello, Son... of the Dragon. The third round?"

"Yu Zhong?!..."

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