Chapter 1

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Living in a world where females only rule is a place only one can dream of.  Being one of the strongest females alive is also what only one can dream of but guess what. I'm living the dream.

Walking around the castle to see if anything seemed out of place, being the only female warrior and the best warrior has it's pros and cons.

People say I have the worst attitude and that's the reason why people don't conversant with me. It doesn't bother me at all simply because it's true. I'm not here for chit chat, I'm here to protect.

"Adora," I heard the Queen say, I sharply turn towards her.

"How may I help you, my Queen?" I bow my head in respect.

"What did I say about calling me that? You can call me Thea, you're like family Adora." She scorned me.

"Yes, I know but I feel more comfortable addressing you as my Queen."

She sighed knowing she can't win this. "Well, I need you on the west side of the of the castle. The Warriors are holding a meeting and they need you there. No one couldn't find or mind link you, so I fetched for you myself." She laughed

"Thanks for telling me, my Queen, I'll be there as soon as possible." I walked towards the west side, I could feel her stare on my back and I heard her sigh and shake her head.

Queen Thea is the one person I would always respect. No matter what, she's the one that holds my trust and nobody else. She's like a mother to me.

I walked into the room where the meeting was held and everybody turned their heads towards me. I held my head high and felt the power flow out of me. "What'd I miss?"

"Nothing, you're just on time." One of the warriors said who is in charged of the meeting.

It might sound a little weird, me being head warrior should be in charge of everything but it doesn't work like that.

Each warrior is in charge of a different category. Me, I'm in charged of training, fighting and the battles or missions because I am the most skilled fighting wise.

Warrior Mason is in charge of meetings and organization, things of that nature.

I walked to the front where my chair was held and sat down.

"There's a big problem brewing, there is a group of males taking multiple females and killing them." Warrior Mason said.

Let me let you into my world just a little bit more, females are the top dog. We're highly respected and it's a direct threat towards males.

Many males still highly feel that females are weaker and should be below them. But the year 2095, females proved that to be false when the males almost killed our whole species as werewolves.

Power, hierarchy, egos, and pride got in the way. Every single male had gotten power hungry and they needed to be stopped. Honestly, what'd you expect?

Being the producers of life, us females had to take charge and it's been like that ever since.

So, males taking females and killing them isn't surprising. I mean if I was a male I'd do the same. Being a male slave isn't exactly good.

A male can train and fight all his life to become a warrior but when it comes for that time to put his skills to the test, the female can either say he's not fit for being a warrior or he is. Simple.

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