Chapter 2

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Waking up in a random room definitely brings back memories. All I heard was yelling and fighting.

"No! She's going to be my mate!" One male yelled out.

"She's mine!" Another yelled.

"She's not yours she's mine!" And another one.

There was 6 males in the room I could smell and two females, including myself.

I groaned, "For the love of the Moon Goddess, shut up."

All their heads snaps to me. The males mouth were wide open.

"I'm Alpha Victoria, it's nice to meet you Warrior Adora." She introduced herself

"Hello." I repsonded. "Where am I?"

"The Grave Pack."

"Grave Pack? The Grave Pack! What? I'm all the way in the Grave pack? That's days away from the Lotus Pack. Oh my." I shot up quickly, they were surprised by how fast I was.

"I need to go right now."

The males started bickering and yelling. All except for one. He was just standing there looking bored. He didn't want to be here. I took a good look at him and he was absolutely breath taking. He was tall, about 6'5, dark hair, shaved beard, grey eyes and everytime he bit his lips you could see dimples pop.

He was... perfect. It was all quiet the other males were looking between me and him. Victoria held a little smirk on her face.

You could tell he was wondering why everything got so quiet. He looked around before his eyes landed on me. His eyes held no emotion. It felt like his grey eyes were piercing right through my soul.

If he didn't know it already, I stake my claim. He is mine.

I snapped out of it. "I need to leave."

"No." Victoria spoke up. "You severely injured. You need weeks of rest and you will stay here until you are better."

"Sorry but not sorry. I have things I need to take care of and people to talk to."

"Warrior Adora I'm not taking no for an answer."

I inwardly growled, knowing she really wasn't going to take no as an answer. "Fine. Two weeks and I'm out of here." Victoria smiled big. "Great! It's about time that there's another female in this pack house besides me and the female warriors. I can tell we are going to be good friends." Her alpha mode totally gone.

I was a little hesitant to smile back but I did it none the less. She pulled me into a hug, I awkwardly patted her back. "Alright Victoria, let the woman go. She's uncomfortable." My mysterious mate said.

His voice was like the angels singing from above. "Oh shut up." She smiled at me

Victoria walked me out the room into the kitchen. "I know you must be hungry so I'll have the chef cook anything you like."

"Anything will be fine."

"Sam cook some steak and mash potatoes please."

I sat down in one the chairs and Victoria sat right across from me. I studied her like she studied me, it was awkwardly silent.

"Sooo, I seen you eyeballing Noah upstairs." She said

I smiled at his name. "There's no shame in my game." I said and she laughed loudly.

"He's different from the rest of the males here." She told me still keeping eye contact. I narrowed my eyes a little bit, a little weary but curious to see if something was going on between the two.

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