14//The Truth//14

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"Draco, I can't do this."

"You have to Y/n, he's going to kill you if we fail."

"We have to tell Harry. He's the only one that can help us." You pleaded.

"No! Y/n, you'll die!" Draco yelled.

"I was going to die in anyway!" You yelled back. Your eyes widened.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Nothing, I got caught up in the moment." You said.

"Y/n, what did you mean?" He repeated.

"I said nothing." You said.

Draco sighed and looked down. "I'm going to go now." You said and tried to walk away but Draco caught your wrist.

"Look, I'm sorry I yelled." He said.

"It's okay, I understand. We're both on edge." You said.

"But I still shouldn't have yelled." He said as he pulled you in close and wrapped his arms around you.

"Its alright, really." You said.

"I love you."

You didnt answer...

"What do you mean there are 8 horcruxes?"

You overheard Ron asking Harry as you walked past the Gryffindor table.

"Dumbledore just told me he found the 8th one." Harry replied.

"What is it then?" Hermione asked.

"I dont know yet. Neither does Dumbledore, he just says he knows that there is an 8th one." Harry replied.

You sighed and kept your head low as you walked to the Hufflepuff table.

You sat down next to Cedric and gave him your best fake smile.

"You feeling alright?" You asked.

"Nervous, the last task is approaching fast." He said.

"You'll win, I'm sure of it." You said.

"As long as you're there to meet me at the end, I don't care whether I win or lose." He said and kissed your cheek.

"But you still have to win." You said with eyes narrowed and he laughed.

"I love you."

You didn't answer...

"I still don't know what the 8th Horcrux is." Harry sighed as he stared into the fire in the Gryffindor common room.

"Don't worry, we'll figure it out." Ron reassured him.

"No need to." A voice said coming from the entrance.

"Who's there?" Hermione asked.

You stepped out of the shadows and into the light with your eyes stuck on the floor.

You had no idea why you were doing this, hut it was the only to make sure your father didn't win this battle.

16 years ago, when your father killed Lily and James Potter. You were there.

He thought it would be a great idea to teach his baby daughter how to kill at 1 year old.

"What are you doing here?" Ron asked.

"I'm here to tell you about the 8th Horcrux." You said and glanced at them before looking back down again.

"What do you know of Horcruxes? And how do you know we're looking for them?" Harry asked.

"You guys talk really loud." You said slapping Harry at the back of his head, "Besides, I know because of my father."

"Who's your father?" Ron asked.

"Tom Riddle."

"Voldemort is your father?" Harry exclaimed once you four were in the room of requirement. You were sure Draco wasn't there fixing the cabinet.

"Surprise." You said and scoffed, "Look, hate me all you want but you dont stand a chance finding the 8th Horcrux without me."

"We don't hate you, Y/n. We're just in shock that's all." Hermione said.

"Do you know where the Horcrux is?" Ron asked.

"It's a bit complicated." You sighed.

"Please explain." Harry said.

"That night my father tried to kill you. Well I was there as well." You said.

"So of course when he didn't kill you but instead he died. His soul split into 8 and one of the pieces in you." You said.

"No one knows how, and no one knows why but the last piece is in me." You said and their eyes widened.

"You're the last Horcrux?" Ron asked and you nodded.

"Yes I am. Which means I have to die, in order for my father to officially die." You said.

"No, absolutely not. I'm not killing you." Harry said.

"Harry, please you have to. Maybe not now, but eventually you will have to." You said.

"No, Y/n. I can't." Harry sighed.

"Then I'll do it myself." You said and sighed as you walked out of the room of requirement.

You didn't have a plan as to where you're going but you were going somewhere. Somewhere where you could kill yourself.


Before you could do that.

You have to say goodbye to Cedric and Draco first.

I might be ending the book soon. I dont know yet.

I just dont have a lot more to do with this book. The idea was great at first but then I just kind of lost it here in the middle.

I really do hope you enjoyed this book.

Thanks for all the love!❤

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