Chapter two: Interruption?

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_time skip to after school_

Ikea-San was breathless, today they promised themselves to confess to their one true soulmate, Best Buy-San. Pulling their blue hair they caught up with Best Buy-San.

"Oh? Hey there Ikea-San what's up?" The smaller shop asks.

"Do you mind if we meet after school behind the gym in.. 10 minutes?" Ikea asks.

"Of course! I'll meet you there Ikea-San!" They said.

Ikea-San nods and runs off to where the gym was, where they rehearse the lines they want to say to Best Buy-San. They keep repeating the same lines over and over, each time gaining more confidence. Finally, Best Buy-San walks around the corner of the gym.

"Ikea-San? You there?" they open the door, and as they do any confidence Ikea-San had leaked out of them. Trying to gain their shattered confidence they took a deep breath and sighed.

"Yeah, I'm here. I wanted to ask if you...would like to-"

Ikea-San gets interrupted by a monster, not allowing them to finish their proposal. The monster stands tall, bloody by the bricks it smashed.

"BRUH-CHAN" Ikea-San screamed at the monster as Best Buy-San ran away. Ikea-San mid running started to transform into the magical girl AEKI-SAN! Grabbing their magical gun they start to shoot the monster when their partner BUY BEST-SAN jumped on the monster.

"Buy Best-San! Nice to see you join the fight!" Aeki-San remarks.

Buy Best-San laughs and slashes the monster with their sword. Both Aeki-San and Buy Best-San fight together as a team to defeat the monster.

"That was the second one this week. Somethings wrong." Aeki-San observes.

"Well, at least I get to spend more time with my love~" Buy Best-San flirts.

"Oh, haha, very funny Buy Best-San." Aeki-San groans. Inspecting the scene they tie up the monster and call the authorities to handle the actual jailing of the monsters. Whilst the authorities came to clean up the scene, Aeki-San and Buy Best-San fled.

"Aeki-San? Why can't we know each other's identities?"

Sighing Aeki-San responds "You already know Buy Best-San, it would get in the way, and possibly endanger us, friends and family."

Sadly nodding Buy Best-San heads home, while Aeki-San heads to the orphanage. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2020 ⏰

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