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The room was much bigger than mine, with a wide open window that showed something I didn't remember seeing before, the outside world. The blue sky matching the hospital's floor splashed with perfectly shaped white clouds of cotton texture.
The calming sight outside the window was shadowed by the overdecorated walls, with zen posters, abstract paintings and colorful dreamcatchers. On the middle of the room, a big thick yarn carpet surrounded by multiple candles that each emanated a singular strong fragrance mixed all to create the burnt spring perfume that I've been following. The blankets of the bed had been replaced by new ones spotted with different colors, and laying on them, pillows with a wide diversity of textures from fake animal fur to sequins and wool.

A tall guy, seemingly a teen ager, with long brunette curly hair gathered on a messy bun stepped outside the bathroom. He walked slowly, letting his old dirty orange Gucci sleepers brush the floor.

"Well hello there, come to blame me for the universe's decision of letting bad energies stay in the building, cause I tried to get them out, but an electronic rain interrupted me" he said with a calm dizzy voice pointing with an open hand to the candles.

"No... I just wanted to-" I started to answer when he opened a drawer of his beside table and took a cellphone box that said 'iPhone 12' out of it. It hadn't been opened yet and it seemed expensive, but that didn't mattered to me at the moment cause the second he unpacked it I saw it's potential of being a source for me to find my mysterious breath song.
"Can I use that, cause I need to find a-" I almost ended my request when he threw the pearl white phone through the window "What are you doing? Are you crazy?" I screamed getting my head out the glass as if it would somehow prevent the cellphone from falling, allowing myself to see my former invaluable source smashed on the street.

"I was not having that machine here, it was killing the vibe" he said calmly as if it was easy to find sense in his words.

"You're a such a weird guy" I concluded from the last five minutes of crazy experiences.

"That's a way of portraying me yes...I'm proudly out of the ordinary" he said laying on his bed surrounded by a million pillows "but being ordinary is highly overrated" he whispered as introducing me to his mantra "Anyways, my name is Francesco, but you can call me Johnny"

"I'm Kiara" I answered, ignoring the fact that his nickname didn't match his real name at all, due to the fact that introducing himself was the most normal things he had done at the moment.

"Oh yes darling! I was going to visit you, the famous Jane Doe girl" He easily recognized me, everyone did apparently.

"Well this is me, I wish I did but I don't have a lot more to say" I introduced myself while walking around his big room that seemed like a hospital VIP and a guru area at the same time "So why are you here besides from attempting to burn the whole building?" I asked intrigued, he didn't seem sick or broken, at least not physically.

"I have breast cancer" he joked with insensitivity.

"You can't laugh at things like that" I replied shocked by the lack of respect in his words.

"I can if I actually have cancer, which I guess answers your question" he clarified leaving me speechless... did this mean he was dying? "You can get that traumatized expression out of your face, I'm not going to die, not from this at least. It's only on stage one, but I don't have a good history with following treatments properly so they left me in here" he explained. The floor were I was had a different variety of patients, since all those who needed special attention were determined to Dr. Clarkson. My reason to be here was my lack of memories, Johnny was...Johnny needing people to prevent him of doing anything stupid, but why was Jack here? He only had a broken leg and some cuts as fas as I knew.

"That's great cause I need a favor" I changed the subject to express the idea that had just arrived in my mind "I need you to lend me your particularly giant room so that I can meet someone" I demanded with a smile on my face encouraging him to agree.
"So you...want me to just leave my room without any explanation?" He asked and made a pause apparently to think "I'm in, but I need something in return" he said sitting and crossing the legs, twisting a lock of hair around his skinny finger.

"I'm listening" I answered hoping his demand to be a light one.

"I want you to help me perform an energy freeing seance" He finished his request with an unsurprising weirdness.

"Excuse me? Why me? I'm not doing a sacrifice if that's what you're asking for" I clarified protecting myself from his unpredictable intentions.

"Cause you darling, are the blank page that I desperately need" he whispered jumping his way towards me and grabbing my shoulders approaching his face close to mine allowing me to analyze every detail of it "I need something or someone where the energy can pass through in order to be purified, that object used to be the candles but if I don't want to be interrupted by the electronic rain again I'll need to change it...and that's where you step in" he finished the explanation which extremely avoided logic.

"Fine whatever" I said removing his hands of my shoulders "why are you so sure there are 'bad energies' here anyways?" I asked willing to find a drop of sense on the wide ocean of his madness.

"Death, sickness, lies, gossiping..." he started to enumerate "they are common here and the centre of attraction to that kind of energy".

"If you say so..." I replied giving up my former expectations.

"Stupid rules and hallway shifts are on the list of causes too" he added walking away from me "But what would I know about that if I'm only a 'crazy' 18 years old guy".

"How do you...you know never mind I need to tell Beth that I found a place, so do we have a deal?" I asked directly.

"Yeah I think we do Mrs. Kiara, I'll leave in an hour so that you can meet whoever you want and in exchange you'll be here tomorrow morning to be my purifying object" he resumed stretching his hand to seal the deal.

"See you tomorrow at morning then" I replied letting my hand unite with his resulting on an unbreakable deal promise.

When my goal was achieved I left the room receiving a shot of fresh air, making me realize how dense the candle's smell that I had got used to was. While zombie walking my way to my room with the company of the annoying noice of my walker's wheels against the slippery floor, my mind started to wonder. Even if I knew Johnny's words were delirious I couldn't help to feel a curiosity and anxiety to know how 'bad energies' felt like, maybe I had been feeling them all along without realizing since I didn't remember any better.

I was a few meters from my room's door when I saw him. Beth was pushing his wheelchair as they passed near the bending machine. I stopped abruptly, and the silence of my walker made his emerald eyes turn in my direction. In those two seconds Jack went through me with a feeling of excitement and calmness tinted by an even amount of fear, was that how energies felt like? Where this good or bad ones?

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment for part 10 ❤️

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