Chapter 2: Training

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You slowly started to open your eyes. Though, it didn't really help since your surroundings were all pitch black. You blinked your eyes multiple times since to try and get them used to the dark. As the walls of the room started to look more defined, you shifted in spot, hearing the springs of the bed you're on creak. 

"Oh, you're finally awake." You jumped slightly as you heard a deep male voice echo slightly in the practically empty room. Where did he even come from?

"Ugh" you groaned, "where am I?" The room was still spinning slightly. You gently laid the back on your hand on your forehead, slowly focusing your eyes on the raven haired man who stood next to your current bed for the next while. 

"Do you not remember yesterday? It should be pretty obvious. You were knocked out in the car. I had to carry you all the way in here." 

"So this is where you guys stay, huh?" You gently sat up, looked around, and ran your fingers through your mildly tangled H/C hair. You then looked down to see that you were still in the black silk dress you went on the mission on in the first place. 

The guy nodded. "Mhm. It's not much, but it's what  we have. It's probably not as luxurious as you would like." He teased a little.

You smiled gently at his little joke. "Matsukawa. Right?" You asked gently. You weren't sure if you were allowed to call him by his nickname or not.

He nodded and then shrugged gently. "Yeah. You can just call me Mattsun for short. It's easier." 

"Alright Mattsun." You honestly liked the way the nickname rolled off your tongue, and by the smile on his face, he seemed to like it just as much as you did. The both of you sat in silence for a little bit. The only thing being heard in the room was your quiet breathing. 

"So, you hungry?" Mattsun asked, thinning out the awkward atmosphere in the room, just a tiny bit. 

You opened your mouth to reply, but then your stomach responded for you. In the form of a large growl. You felt your cheeks heat up out of slight embarrassment. Mattsun laughed and told you to follow him as he left the room. You quickly stood up and followed the tall boy downstairs. 

The two of you walked into the kitchen to see the rest of their group gathered in the kitchen. You sat down at the table close to where Oikawa was standing at the counter.

"Well would you look at that? Little cutie finally woke up~!" Oikawa cooed. 

"Oi, Loserkawa! Let her breathe a little. She just got here!" Iwaizumi spoke up, hitting Oikawa on his shoulder.

You giggled gently at their bickering. That's when Mattsun placed a plate of (choose your meal) on the table in front of you. It smelled delicious, making your already empty stomach gr' you thought to yourself as you took a bite. This was probably the best think you've ever tasted in your life. The way the flavors complemented each other was scrumptious . Gordon Ramsey who? Don't know him. Only Matsukawa Issei. 

By the time you finished your meal, Oikawa stood up straight and stretched a little. "Shall we go to training?" He asked the rest of the group. 

"Sure, let's go. Mattsun, take care of Y/N." Iwaizumi said walking towards the kitchen exit. 


"No buts. Either you stay here with her, or bring her with us. You're going to be watching her either way so..." 

Matsukawa sighed as the rest of them walked out of the room. He didn't want to force you to come train with the rest of them. He felt as if there was some kind of spark between the two of you.  It wasn't like he was scared of you or something, you could easily run a whole mafia group by yourself, due to your quick thinking. But last night, while he was carrying you up to your temporary bedroom, something felt different. The texture of your silk dress and soft skin felt against his arms, it all just felt right to him. Oddly enough, he felt the need to be soft with you. Like he might hurt you if he didn't. 

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