Chapter 3: Control

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You gently stepped forward, holding your hands in front of your face. Your left leg was positioned in front of you and while your right was in the back. You were leaned slightly back, putting more pressure on your back leg.

The brave soul that decided to go against you was Takahiro. He wanted to see what you were capable of so he decided to spare Oikawa. Now he was standing in front of you he was now standing in front of you with his fists raised, slightly crouched. 

 "Are you ready? Here I come." He said as if he had some kind of power over you. Oh boy, could someone be anymore wrong? 

'Elbow? No. I've got to fool him.' You trust out your elbow, aiming for his gut. When Makki went to block it, you suddenly switched paths. You twisted your body, open palm striking him under the chin, and using your front leg to kick him in the back of the knees, making him fall to the ground. 

"SWEET BABY JESUS, MY LEGS!" Makki screamed from his pitiful spot on the ground. 

"Oops, that's not right Makki. You should go easy on me, right? I AM just a soft, and weak girl. Aren't it?" You spike with an evident smirk on your face, making Mattsun smile gently to himself.

Hanamaki was just sprawled out on the ground, starfish style. "Yeah, no. I give up. The rumors are most definitely correct."

You giggled and turned to Iwa. "Iwaizumi-san, you're the strongest on the team, are you not?" You asked with a slight head tilt.

Iwaizumi noticeably tensed up, sweating a tad bit. "Well, that's hard to determine, you know? We're all different in our own ways."

You just nodded. "If that's true, I wanna see what Mattsun can do." 

Matsukawa jumped slightly at the sudden mention of his name. 'Why me.." He then cracked his neck, and rolled his shoulders. "If that's what you want. That's what you'll get."

You were happy with the warm up you choose. Mattsun looked so calm. Which only added to how attractive he was. You took a quick look at his arms. Just to compliment his beautiful muscles, he had a few tattoos here and there. That really didn't help with how thirsty you were. Mattsun wearily stepped forward, almost like he knew he was going to loose against you. I mean, he wasn't wrong. 


"C'mon Issei! You can defend yourself!" 

You stepped forward, Mattsun tried to predict where you would aim your kick. He went to block the path of your swing, but he was fairly surprised when your leg came from the opposite direction. He just barely ducked under your leg. Before he could even stand up straight, you came up behind him, wrapping your arms around his neck. He grabbed your forearms to try and rip you off, but before he could, you clicked his feet from under him, causing him to fall forwards. You sat on his back, and tightened the grip you had around his neck.

"HUHH?" Makki screamed out, very extra. 

"And this is why I didn't want to go first. I knew that Y/N would be that strong." Oikawa said as he shook his head, and put his hands on his hips.

"My rib still hurts..." Makki complaned, rubbing his side gently.

You do one of those nose laugh things. (I hope you know what I'm talking about.) The you looked down at Mattsun.

"Hm~ You really need to work on your defense Issei. You aren't really good at this." 

"ICANTBREATHE" Mattsun pushed out really quickly, slapping is hand on the ground.

"You know, this is sorta like, a really weird hug. You know? It feels nice."

"Oi Y/N, let him go." Iwa said from the sidelines. 

"Fine." You let the taller male go. Mattsun took the largest breath imaginable. You got off his back and stood next to him as he sat up. He was still silent from the shock of what just happened. 

"God that hurt." He breathed out as he rubbed his sore neck. 

"Sorry Issei! I forgot to move." You said, a feeling a tiny bit guilty. This made him look up at you and blush a tiny bit. 

"You were suffocating me. Why is your grip to goddamn strong?"

"What's that? Is that..complaining I hear?" Makki cupped his ear. "She nearly broke my neck!"

"Guys, don't fight. How about this, I just teach you some of my fighting techniques. Then you can be just like me." You said, confidently placing your hand on your chest. They all just blinked at you, impressed by your skill, but not impressed by this little show you just performed. 

"No thanks. I don't think I could endure all of that pain if you were my teacher." 

You laughed as you felt a hand on your shoulder. You look over to see Iwaizumi smiling gently at you.

"Are you guys hungry?" He asked as he started to walk back into the building.  Everyone cheered in agreement and followed him inside. Everyone, except Matsukawa. 

Issei Matsukawa didn't stand up. He just sat there and watched you walk into the house. There was something about you. Something that he really liked. Whether it be your face, or your snarky personality. No matter what it was, he couldn't say anything. You were still a hostage after all. What was he supposed to do? Go up to Oikawa and say that he OH SO HAPPENED to find you attractive? That would be very dumb. Lord knows what he would say back. No one knows what YOU know, what you do, who you work for, nor what your motive is. You've only been here for two days, and one of those days you were knocked out for most of it. He realizes that you are not just some random soft girl who worked for someone else. You could take over this mafia with the snap of your finger. 

That fact alone, was way too attractive to him.


Most of that long paragraph was me stalling to reach 1000 words, ngl :D

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