To The Beach!

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Noelle's POV

I was lying on the couch next to my new boyfriend, Stupi-I mean Asta. He had his arm wrapped around my shoulder as I quietly read one of my favorite books. Asta was staring off in the direction of the kitchen waiting for Charmy to announce that lunch was ready. Luck and Magna were training outside , Vanessa was drinking, Yami was talking to Finral, and Gauche was staring at a picture of Maggy or was it Marie? Hmmm. Well anyways, Captain walks over to the center of the room and turns round to look at us. I quickly bookmark my page then stand at attention. Asta also rises from his seat and looks at Yami eagerly. "There's a noble from the capital requesting performers for one of their galas." Yami states. "But we don't know how to sing or dance!" shouts Asta. "Geez, I love him and all but I wish he would be a little quieter." I thought as Yami grabbed Asta by the head, giving his skull a squeeze. "I wasn't finished yet." he growls. "S-sorry Captain Yami sir!" Asta squeaks. Yami  releases the shrimpy loud-mouth and continues, " I was thinking that maybe you should call those siblings from the underwater temple. They'll be grateful if you give them a job and perhaps they'll share some of their pay with us." *gasp* Kahono and Kiato, we haven't seen them since the star festival. I hope their doing well. "Yes Yami sir!"  we say simultaneously.  "Hey wheels! Take em to Raque, they've got a mission!"  Yami barks. "Y-yes Yami sir" stammers Finral. He opens one of his portals and we step in , the mission was a bit short notice and we had no time to prepare but I'm happy we get to see our old friends.

Asta's POV

Finral dropped us off right at one busiest and beautiful beaches around. Woah, I bet I could get some decent training in, we just got here and I'm already hyped!  "*ahem*" scoffs Noelle. "Wh-what is it? I ask. "We still have a mission, Asta." she says. Oh, we do! I was so in awe that I had forgotten the entire conversation we just had with Yami. "But we have to wait for nightfall so that we can go under water" I respond. "Well, I guess you're right." she sighed. "Maybe we could enjoy ourselves for the time being." she said a bit hesitantly. "Alright! C'mon lets go!" I shout, motioning for her to follow. "We still need to go shopping, we didn't get the chance to pack at all." she points out. "Okay, where do we start?" I ask. "Let's go those little shops over there!" she insists, pointing at the plentiful buildings that line the seaside. She grabs me by my hand and drags me over to one of the many stores. We walk inside and start to browse.  I manage to find a pair of blue trunk that are fairly similar to my other ones. I head to the check out only to find Noelle having already paid for her swimsuit. I would have paid if she wasn't so darn fast. I'll be sure to make up for it by paying for dinner. "You could have waited, I would've paid." I say. "That's nice of you but I'm royalty." she retorts as she flips one of her silver pigtails. "Okay but I'm paying for dinner and there's nothing you can do about it princess." I reply. "F-fine" she stutters. We may be a couple now but she still get's flustered and I think it's just the cutest. I also discovered a new weak point for her, she get's all red and embarrassed when I call her princess so I've decided to use it to my advantage in situations like this. I take her bag and mine then slip my hand into hers. We allow our fingers to interlace and we head off to the beach

I'm back, yay! Sorry it was short. I do not own Black Clover and let me know about errors. Thanks for reading and make sure to vote.   :)

Asta x Noelle(Astelle) Black Clover Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now