Chapter 7

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Sorry for any bad grammar and/or spelling mistakes! Disclaimer! I don't own the series though I wish I did! All rights belong to Rick Riordan.

                                                                                     Piper POV

I found my locker and set my combination. I quickly looked at my schedule... and by quickly I mean tried to make out the room numbers. Yep. I was dislexic. It didn't affect be too much but I still had some trouble reading. Especially if it was in cursive. 

"Chemistry" I mumbled to my self. I was happy I had gotten this class it was my favorite subject and I was really good at it. I quickly headed for the classroom so I wouldn't be late.   

                                                                          Teacher (Mr. Joy) POV

there was 10 minutes until class started. A very pretty young girl walked in. I assumed she was the new student since I have never seen her before. She quietly took a seat in the front row and began to get out her books. I allow the students to (for the most part) chose there seats. Except I wouldn't let close friends sit next to each other, and the people who get bad or below average had to sit in the front. But it was her first day so I let it slide. Slowly more students came in and class began. 

"Alright pop quiz!" I said. Everyone in class except the new girl groaned. I felt kinda bad for giving a pop quiz on her first day. I handed out the papers. The quiz was fairly challenging and some of it we had never talked about. 

"When you are done with the quiz you can bring it to me, and then you can sit down and check how many likes you have on instagram or whatever you kids do these days." growing up all of my teachers were very strict. So I tried to give my students as much freedom as possible. So I let them be on their phones if they finished early or something like that. But the phone HAD to be on silent. Because if they got a text of call and their phone wasn't on silent they had to answer the phone on speaker or read the text aloud. I liked giving the students freedom but there still had to be some rules to keep thing orderly.      

Within 15-20 minutes the new girl brought me her paper. I was very surprised that she completed such a difficult task in such a short amount of time. I let her sit down. I looked at the paper. 'Piper so that's your name' I thought to myself. I quickly checked her paper and she got everything correct. I was very impressed.

"Nice job" I said quietly as I gave her the quiz back. She smiled. I sat back down and waited for the rest of the class to finish. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(On to french class)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

                                                                                  Ms. Raymond POV

I was sitting in my class room waiting for my new class to come in. The school did this thing where half the students had spanish class for half of the year and french for the other half. And the other half has french first and spanish second. I was about to meet my new class and I was just hoping they weren't like the class I had for the first half of the year. You might be wondering why. BECAUSE so many people in my last class said that they knew french perfectly and all they was 'Bonjour'. Slowly people began to come in. Once every body was here I asked 

"Does anyone here know any french?" A very pretty girl with darkish brown hair that had red tips and color changing eyes raised her hand. 

"I'm fluent in french." She said. We'll see about that I thought. 

"Could you speak in french for me?" I asked. (The italic is french).

"I first learned french when I was around 11. Since I learned from a young age I speak like a native. That is why I was excited about this class." She said. 'Wow' thought. She actually knows french! 

The rest class was simple. We just learned some basic things though it was more like unneeded review for the girl. 

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