Chapter 8

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Sorry for any bad grammar and/or spelling mistakes! Disclaimer! I don't own the series though I wish I did! All rights belong to Rick Riordan.
                                Jason's POV
I walked into my first period class chemistry, and I saw the new girl. 'I can only hope that she isn't one those spoiled girls who has no idea what the teacher is saying but pretends to know it all' I thought to myself. I wasn't so great in chemistry so I had to sit in the front. Mr. Joy the chemistry teacher signaled me to sit next to the girl.. I think her name was Piper. I sighed and took a seat. She turned and smiled at me. 'Wow' I thought, she was beautiful! She turned away and turned back to whatever she had been doing. And I took a minute to study her. She had a natural tan and I think she was from California so that made sense. She had dark brown hair with red tips and her hair was cut slightly choppy. She somehow had color changing eyes.. and don't get me wrong! They were beautiful! But I had never seen anything like them before. She had a beautiful hourglass body shape and was wearing something pretty modest but it still complemented her curves and looked great.
"Alright class! Pop quiz!" Mr. Joy said. Like the rest of the class, I groaned. I was NOT ready for this! I was an ok student but chemistry was a nightmare. Nothing made sense!
Mr. Joy handed out the papers and the girl, Piper, smiled and quickly started. 'What is she so smiley about?' I thought.
(When the tests came back!)
I flopped. That's all I can really tell you. I flopped! 47%. Now my grade was even worse! I looked at Pipers grade 'Holy cow' I thought. She got a 100%! And it was her first day! 'Maybe she can tutor me' I thought. I was about to ask her when the bell rang.
I was sitting at lunch with my friends Annabeth, Percy, Hazel, Frank, Leo, and my older sister Thalia.
Then I saw Piper walk in. She looked around like she was pondering where to sit. We had talked a little in chemistry but we only really said hi and I just introduced myself. She spotted me and began walking towards our table. I mean I was the only person she knew in the entire school. Everyone at the table saw she was walking towards us but no one stoped her. Just when she was about to sit down the idiot squad sorry the popular girls walked up to her. We hated them. They always had on way to much make up which wasn't even done properly and always wore revealing and tight clothing. They thought every one wanted to be then boy were they wrong. 'Of course' I thought to myself. Everyone knew she would be coming to school here for a few months. And everyone knew who she was. 'Both her and her dad were very rich and her dad was world famous and Piper was pretty famous too. Of course they would get her to join their squad!'
"Why don't you come sit with us!" Elaine said.
"Yeah! You don't want to sit with..  them." Sabrina said.
"We know you're new here so you need to learn which crowd you belong in and that is NOT with them" Vanessa said.
"No thanks" Piper said politely.
"No, you should sit with us." Elaine said trying to sound convincing.
"No really I'm fine. Thanks for the offer." Piper replied.
"The offer will always be there soon you will realize you fit in with us" Sabrina said and then they walked away. Piper sat down in the empty spot between Thalia and Annabeth.
"You can sit with them if you want. You don't have sit with us if you don't want to" Frank said in a shy voice. Piper laughed a little. Her laugh was so melodic and beautiful.
"You know.. when you ask yourself wether you want to sit with normal people or three girls who are each wearing enough make up to cover an elephant and look like they are trying to be naked with clothes on the answer is quite clear" She said smiling.
"We're gonna be great friends, I'm Leo by the way."
"Nice to meet you!" Piper replied sweetly. We all talked a lot during lunch. Everyone was pretty surprised because she was really nice and polite and funny and not at all stuck up! I should real ask her tutor me I mean I know she is good at chemistry but now that I know she is nice she will probably say yes.

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