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"Girls, What have we said about these types of things?" A motherly voice questioned. "We're sorry Aunt Elizabeth." A girl with dirty blonde curls framing her heart-shaped face apologized as her hazel brown eyes started to water, her name was Mileve Hornette-Poisonwood. "We didn't mean to, honest!" Another girl exclaimed, this girl having brown locks with similar hazel brown eyes to the first girl, this one was named Kianna Hornette-Poisonwood and was the oldest of the girls.

Aunt Elizabeth sighed heavily. "Girls." She started. "You mustn't talk to people like- like the LeStranges." A little girl, smaller than the first two by a few inches, burst into tears. The crying girl had straight black hair cut short with dark-chocolate colored eyes, Isabella Hornette-Poisonwood. "I-i'm sorry Auntie!"

Elizabeth Hornette-Poisonwood was a tall woman with eagle-like milk chocolate-colored eyes with ash blonde hair pulled into a loose pony-tail. Aunt Elizabeth ignored the girls' apologies and continued scolding them. "They're from a dark family dears, Think of what they could do to you."

"Yes, Aunt Elizabeth/Lizzie." The three girls all said in unison sadly.

"Now off you go." Aunt Elizabeth instructed and the girls all complied heading outside. The girls all sat on the swings. "Why are the LeStranges considered dark Anna?" Isabella asked her sister curiously. "Because they work for You-Know-Who and because they believe in blood purity I guess or Maybe because they were Slytherins," Kianna said thoughtfully.

"Maybe." The other two girls nodded. Mileve jumped off the swing set and landed gently on the ground before turning to face her cousins. "Let's fix that." 

"Fix what?" Isabella asked the older. "The prejudice against Slytherins, They say all Slytherins are dark, So what if we got into Slytherin and proved that that's not true!" Mileve explained. "Yeah, but how are we going to do that? Our whole family was in Hufflepuff and Gryffindor." Isabella asked. Kianna spoke up, "The Sorting Hat apparently takes your opinion into mind. But you can also ask for a resort or even just to fully move without sorting once more."

"Well, then we'll do that! Before Bella comes we'll get sorted into either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff then when she's there with us we'll get re-sorted or move!" Mileve exclaimed excitedly. "You sure you can wait three years for that?" Kianna asked. Mileve's older and only sibling, Corvus Hornette-Poisonwood who's going to fourth year Slytherin next semester came outside. Corvus has long shoulder blade length black neatly combed and tied back hair and steely grey eyes. He was adopted. Only a Hornette-Poisonwood in name. 

Another boy, Kianna, and Isabella's adopted brother, Canes Hornette-Poisonwood looked like a copy of Corvus but older and longer hair and a fifth-year Gryffindor. "MILEVE, KIANNA, ISABELLA, CORVUS, CANES!" Aunt Elizabeth's motherly voice shouted loudly. "Yes, Aunt Liz?" The older two, Corvus and Canes, replied. "DINNER!"

 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------{Hiya Loves~! Yeah, that probably sucks but it's honestly the first thing that came to mind for the prologue. Sorry, it's so short. Hope you liked it, either way, Bye lovelies~!}

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