Three Wonderful Friends.

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This is a tale of three friends. They were complete polarities of each other yet they all had similar interests: Adventure, a good fight, and a.....Well, the last one is not important. One of these mighty adventurers was Patch Cruickshank, a vanquisher of many a ship and buccaneer of no other. He has plundered many a booty- even some kids shoes you nasty rascal. He carries an very early style gun made by no other then the King's engineer. (Of course under pressure by said Privateer.) He pirates a ship in a way that would give Blackbeard a run for his money. He carries a great sword and many a man have wondered upon how he carried it while fighting and swimming right before he mowed them down. He also makes many ingenious contraptions that would boggle even some of the most complex of minds. The next fighter, a ranger that takes his claim in the woods. His name is Snoji. He is a not a man but rather an Elf. His weapons consist of a bow with many an arrow, an average pair of daggers, and a short sword. His aim is true and his skill at trapping is unmatched. Nature and the dark seem to grasp a hand around him whenever he doesn't want to be seen. He has developed certain magics unbeholden to us humans. Last but not least, an honor guard of the King. His royal title is Javian. His skill with a sword and kite shield are surpassed by no other. He can smith as if taught by the volcanoes themselves. He possesses skills with axes, swords, maces, spears, and much more as long as he has his trusty shield. He always tends to carry around a javelin for the ranged battles. Javian also possesses unnaturally good diplomatic skills. These friends take part in a stupendous adventure and live to scribe the tale.

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