느 he wants your attention

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"Kunikida-san I'm almost done with this case, I'll call you right back!" You hung up and slid the phone back into your pocket.

"Alright sir, I have come to a conclusion." You say politely, aware of the situation which was about to occur.

The man in front of you clicked his tongue, "And that is?" He says, not believing your detective skills.

"The culprit is.." you start of, lifting your finger up, "him!" You yell with a smirk on your face, pointing towards the man's subordinate


After getting all your work done, you head back over to the agency's office.

"God, why did I get so much work? All of you were doing nothing but lounging around.. geez." You mumble under your breath

Kunikida fixes his glasses and glares at you "Y/n-chan I expect you to get these files signed by tomorrow."

"Kunikida-san, don't be so hard on her!" Dazai yells from his desk, "besides, she'll be with my the whole day!" He smirks.

You roll your eyes at him, "sure I will" you say sarcastically and head back to your dorm.


You scroll through instagram, getting inspiration for a photoshoot you were planning when suddenly you hear a knock on your window.

You get up and lift up the window, being greeted with cold air. You look around to see no one there.

Out of nowhere someone's head pops up and you stumble on your feet, making you fall backwards.

"The hell, dazai?!" You yell while rubbing your back, trying to get rid of the pain, "I'm here to see you, beautiful" he sends a flying kiss your way and climbs into your room.

"Get lost!" You groan in annoyance "look what you did!" You say as you look at your back through the mirror, spotting a clearly visible bruise.

"It's your fault for not giving me any attention this whole week" he complains but you just roll your eyes, "and who says I have to give you attention?" You let the words roll of your tongue.

"Of course you have to, I am your boyfriend after all" he says with a smug look on his face

"Please, it was your idea to suddenly come up to me and claim me as your girlfriend" you bicker while making your way to your bed, "I never agreed!" You smirk as you plop yourself onto your bed.

"Come on princess, don't be like that!" He pouts, following you to your bed.

He kneels down so his height matches that of your bed and places his hand gently on your cheeks, "Just accept it" he whispers as he leans in, colliding his soft, lips with your plump, pink ones.

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