Popee has c0r0n@ v1ruz

15 1 0

The circus has always been isolated. But that never bothered me, all i need is Papi and im happy.

However. Popee being the spontaneous bitch boy he is, he often leaves the circus to do whatver it is that does.

i dont even know why he does it? its like a 3 hour drive to the nearest city?

anyway.. Popee came back one day announcing that he had corona virus.

i was like ??? tf is that

but everyone else seemed to have known what it was

"umm. may i ask what is corona virus?" I ask

popee has a look on his face as if i asked what colour the sky is. its red. i know.

"Have you been living under a rock!?" popee asks me

"actually i live in a tent. and so do you?" i reply because i dont know why he would think i live under a rock?

"wow you are so dumb!" popee laughs

"everyone look. she is so dumb. laugh" popee announces

everyone starts laughing so hard they all pee their pants.

"oh my god my legs are wet" popee announces

even though everyone had just peed themselves. i feel like i experienced the most embarrasing moment in my life! popee called me dumb and then everyone laughed!

while everyone went off to clean their pee legs., i went to my tent and wrote in my diary

Dear diary. today popee called me dumb and everyone laughed. i am so embrassed. i need revenge.. hmm coronavirus

i still dont know what corona virus is but from the name i will assume it has something to do with crowns. and since its a virus it must be deadly? 

ok. i made my mind. i will attack popee with crowns until he dies. its not like anyone will miss him.

good thing i just found a trunk filled with crowns! its almost like the universe is telling me to do this! 

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