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"Are you sure you're ready?" A certain blue haired male asked her. 

"Yes, i told you i will be fine and will be safe" The male shakes his head. 

"Its sad seeing you go.. I hope we can meet again soon too." Sakura looks over to him. 

"Of course we will" The male chuckles lightly 

"Alright i'll teleport you to the exam site, take care alright?" The girl looks back 

"Okay.. i'll take care Akemi." Akemi smiles.

"Goodbye! Ill see you soon enough" The girl smiles as she feels a light surrounding her. 

'I'll never forget you.'

She appears in front of a small restaurant, she walks in.

 "Hello ma'am, what would you like?" 

"I would like to have (the password bc i forgot what it is)" 

"Okay, you may go to the room at the back." She nods her head.

 'I hope i meet interesting people' 

When she arrives at the site there is a small green person. 'He looks like a bean, maybe i can eat him?'

"Hello! Here is your tag," He gives her a tag with the number 4 on it. 

"Make sure you don't lose it." The girl nods her head. 

"Okay" she walks away 

'I'm bored maybe i should sleep for a bit' she jumps on top of a pipe in the ceiling.


She wakes up feeling a malicious presence. 

'Who was that?' She asks herself. She looks around then finds a person with Fuchsia colored hair wearing clown like clothes with symbols. 

'Number 44, i should look out for him' she decides to not sleep anymore and observe people. 

As time goes on she sees a white haired boy 

'He looks kinda hot..' she thinks 

'NO WAIT WHY AM I THINKING THAT' she flushes pink after realizing what she just thought. 

More time goes by and she sees a Femboy, a kid and a.. old man? Right.. 

'The kid wearing green is so energetic' she thinks as she sweat drops seeing his enthusiasm. 

She spaces out for a bit (thinkin about life)

She flinches because of the sudden noise.

The gate opened and she saw a man with purple hair and a mustache with no.. mouth?? 'Man, what is with these people..'

"Greetings! My name is Satotz your first examiner, I want to congratulate all of you for making it here, please follow me if you wish to proceed to the second phase and those who wish to leave the elevator door is now open." He said.

Nobody left.

'Oh come on of course nobody would leave.'

 "Very well we shall start the first phase. Follow me."

'He walks like he has no joint in his legs,, oooh like those dolls! What were they called again? Barbara? no.. OH BARBIE!'

When she awoke from her little trance she sees the fluffy-haired boy talking with the energetic one.

"Race you to the top!"

'Oh? Hmm should i go there first?' She decides she will go ahead by running.

Third person POV

The boys were racing when all of the sudden they see a flash of white running ahead of them.

"Ehh? What was that? Did you see it too Killua?"

'I could've sworn i saw a girl' "Yeah, its probably nothing."

Your POV

I ran through the flight of stairs then saw the exit. I immediately ran towards the exit, The examiner looks surprised i can run that fast..

"I WIN" "I WIN" The two boys looked at each other.



"Actually that young lady over there was first."

The two boys looked over to me, who was smiling ever so slightly.

"Hello, my name is Sakura Yua"

"Hi! My name is Gon and this is Killua!"


"Do you want to be friends?"

I nodded hesitantly 'They seem like nice people..'






655 Words

I might not remember some stuff in HxH

Four.. ///  K. ZoldyckWhere stories live. Discover now